What you see here is an original, non-recreation 1962 Peel P50. This little three-wheeler was designed by a British car company to serve as an efficient runabout. It’s cute and tiny, but not so tiny that it can’t fit a full-sized human person like Matt Farah.

[Editor’s Note: I cant just let that brief description be all we say about the Peel P50! The P50 is the smallest production car ever, and while punishingly austere and minimal, it’s an extremely clever design. You can imagine the design process started by getting a guy in a chair, sticking a little moped engine and a tiny gas tank next to him, then drawing a box around the whole thing. It’s a study in the least you need to make a viable car, and it works, in its way. Peel made about 50 of these on the Isle of Man, a bit over half of which still survive today. I have nothing but respect for this incredible, absurd little thing. – JT]

While it’s not as roomy as the Pao Matt’s wife Hannah drove up in, it’s the ideal car for the bachelor on the go. It’s kinda hard to believe we aren’t all driving Peel P50s.

[Editor’s Note: Hold on, we can’t just ignore my Nash Metropolitan. It’s right there in the picture. It’s humongous, and I didn’t think I’d ever say that about the Met, but it just is. Compared to the Peel it’s the Titanic, and even compared to the Pao it’s a bit of a Snorlax. That’s good, because it’s going to be my LA daily driver, even though loads of people at the car show were telling me that LA sans air conditioning is a death-wish. We’ll see if they’re right. Maybe I’ll install a swamp cooler? Of course, those only work when you’re moving, which isn’t always guaranteed in LA. In fact, it’s guaranteed that I’ll often be stationary. Hmm.

Anyway, back to the Peel: Matt looked remarkably comfortable in that thing, even though it’s the smallest production car ever. This is a reminder of just how important clever packaging and overall vehicle geometry is when it comes to interior volume. That boxy, upright shape really does seem to have been built around a man sitting in a chair. Matt is fairly tall and medium build, so I bet I’d fit in that thing great. A giant football linebacker or a super-tall basketball player? Maybe not. But honestly, I think the vast majority of folks would have knee and headroom to spare in this little 49 cubic-centimeter DKW two-stroke powered 40 MPH machine. It’s awesome. -DT].  Though not excessively large, I would have to take up residence in a Peel P50, it seems…. Whoa whoa whoa – am I the only one seeing this? David “I don’t get cultural/entertainment references” Tracy making a Pokemon reference?! Love that Nash, David and can’t wait to see you bring it back to its former glory. This company also makes a “cabrio” version of the P50 as well https://p50cars.com/ If I got the electric one I could haul it in the back of a Maverick Hybrid and charge it while I drive, park, unload it, then use it in town for errands. I would also bolt on a better intake and exhaust to compensate for the horsepower needed to run the AC. Copy Here→→→→→ https://cashboosterapp1.pages.dev/ As for “Speeds to 40 Miles Per Hour”. I find that a bit terrifying. But then again, those are suicide doors. Solar-powered fan on a mount you can swing in front of the swamp cooler when you’re in traffic, and not bursting out into LaLa Land-style dance sequences? Also, I am not a tall person (about 5’8), but apparently freakishly proportioned, because from the old picture of me in one of these, I look slightly more cramped than Mr. Farah, and would definitely want a Gurney bubble installed in my own hypothetical personal P50.

Watch Matt Farah Sit In The Peel P50  The Smallest Production Car Ever - 67Watch Matt Farah Sit In The Peel P50  The Smallest Production Car Ever - 64Watch Matt Farah Sit In The Peel P50  The Smallest Production Car Ever - 81Watch Matt Farah Sit In The Peel P50  The Smallest Production Car Ever - 43