And go on and smash that notification bell to get updates whenever we put out a new video. Now to quickly go over the features listed on the box:
Links with Ring ecosystem Motion activated Custom settings Solar powered Weather-resistant Voice controlled
We’ve taken everything out of the box, so now we can put it together. I’m gonna put the spike on the bottom of the stand because I am going to stick mine in the dirt. The light slides into the top of the stand and locks in place. This thing is massive. There’s also a micro USB port near the battery. That is where you’re going to plug it in if you need to charge it. If it’s not charging all the way on a solar panel, you can bring this in and charge it through the cable. That’s a nice option, especially in the winter when you’re not getting the sun that you were getting in the summer. Once you get the light charged up, we’re just gonna pop the light back on here. Setting up the device is really easy to do. You can also turn motion detection on and off per device. Say I wanted my first Ring Pathlight to be the only one that’s gonna detect motion and not the second pathlight. I can turn the second light off from the app. Then we can also set up a motion schedule. You just set up hours for when you want that stuff to happen. Another feature is the motion snooze. If you were tired of getting notified because it’s Halloween and you’ve got people walking all around your pathlights, you can snooze those notifications. We’ve also got late settings where you can set your auto shut-off time. You can go anywhere from 30 seconds to five minutes. When these lights are triggered, shut-off times is how quickly you want them to automatically turn themselves off. And then we’ve also got a lighting schedule. This is when the lights are going to be active and then deactivated. I’ve got my lights set to turn on at dusk when the sun goes down, and then at midnight, I don’t want them to turn on anymore. But you do have the option in this setting that if you don’t want it for a certain time, you can go from dusk till dawn. Watch my demo here. I found that the lights were getting triggered too much by passing cars and people. I actually moved one of the lights right next to the front door, around the other side of the bush. But as I walk up to the front door, you can see the light closest to me triggers the pathlight by the front door and porch light.