If you are a new adult with new “adult” responsibilities, then one of these apps is a must have for you. Not only will you be able to save your hard earned income but also manage your finances better. Next time the gang wants to go for a vacation, you won’t have to miss out the fun due to restricted funds. Saving money is not an easy task, especially if you have no experience in saving. Thankfully, these personal finance apps for Android have a knack to make you save. There is a psychological effect of actually seeing your money being spent and not wanting to do it anymore. Personally, I had a lot of trouble in my younger years holding onto the cash I earned. Now, thankfully with the help of some of the great Android apps which include personal finance apps for Android, I have been saving a lot of money. Spending money is fun but once you start saving, checking your bank balance is a very rewarding experience. There is something reassuring about the amount of money you have stashed. Note: The 5 best personal finance apps for Android were tested on a Sony Xperia Z1 smartphone. The apps worked fine and no problems were faced during testing. Some features in certain apps will require an active Internet connection but it is not mandatory.

1. Finance Manager


With the help of these fantastic personal finance apps for Android, you will be on your way to saving a ton of cash. It may be a bit harder at first but once you start saving, you will become addicted. And as they say, luck can change at any second, so it is always better to have a backup plan in case yours turn for the worst. I truly wish that no one has to lean on others in dire times and with these great personal finance apps for Android, you will stand on your own no matter what. The main goal of this app is to help you control money easily and quickly. If you are a person who forgets where a large some of their income went, this app can help you track down those expensive expenditures. The app allows you the option to add, delete and edit wallets. The app also comes with free of categories which are also thankfully editable. This finance manager app for Android also keeps your data safe with a passcode. Importing and exporting data is also supported. Free Version

2. Monefy

The main screen gives you all the information you need without selecting multiple menus or options. The pie chart on the main screen tells you exactly where you spent your cash. Large plus and minus icons on the main interface allow you to add or subtract cash flow with ease. Personally, I really like how easy it is to add new records. The app also comes with a very handy widget that can also be used on the lock screen, if your smartphone supports it. You will also be able to edit the categories if the defaults are not according to your personal needs. The app will also be able to generate reports for a specific period. Despite all these features, there are no ads on this app which is very pleasantly surprising. Free Version

3. Budget & Personal Finance

The app also provides you a quick and reliable way to record all of your daily spending. One of the best things about the app are the interactive charts that give you a visual representation of your spending patterns. There are some good filters available to track down the pesky purchases that you cannot remember. Free Version

4. My Finances

The large plus button is there to make easy input of data. The pie charts are elaborate and help you in visualizing your spending. You will also be able to manage multiple accounts on one app. The app also allows you to create categories and subcategories however you like, and even assign dedicated colors to them. My Finances has the option of adding repeated operations to make budget management a lot easier. With this feature, you will be able to deduct monthly bills automatically from your income. Free Version If you have any questions about the apps or have another app that deserves to be on the list, please leave a comment below. Feature Image Credits

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