Installing phpMemcachedAdmin consists of simply transferring files to the server. To do this, it is better to use a separate directory in the root of your site or a subdomain.

  1. First, we need to download the PHPMemcachedAdmin into the domain folder, to do so head over to the download page and download the latest version. Download PHPMemcachedAdmin
  2. Now upload the downloaded zip file into your domain directory on your server and extract the zip file, you can do this using any File Manager, FTP or you can also use the SSH.
  3. Rename the folder as per your choice, in my case I have renamed it to phpmemcacheadmin. That’s it, you can access the PHPMemcachedAdmin panel by visiting in your browser. 


Setting a Password for the Folder

To restrict access to unauthorized persons, set a password for the script folder. If you have Apache, then go to the directory with the installed script and create a file. htaccesswith the following contents:     Instead of the word admin, insert your preferred login. Now create a file .htpasswd with arbitrary text, which will be the password. Change the rights of both files to 400. That’s it, the next time you will access the PHPMemcachedAdmin panel it will ask for Id and Password.  

Panel Screenshots:

Note: Click to Enlarge