Think about that for a second. If a child can do it, how hard could it really be for you to earn a substantial income from the popular video platform? YouTube is not only a household name — it’s undoubtedly the biggest player in internet video streaming to date. Since 2005, YouTube has rapidly gained momentum as the go-to for live streaming, video tutorials, gaming content, product reviews, instructional videos, and even comedy. It’s a literal emporium of endless online video content. So, can you make money on YouTube? Yes — there are, indeed, proven strategies for generating a real income stream from YouTube. And it is crucial to master YouTube if you want to establish a solid web presence and make money online. We know what you’re thinking: YouTube is no doubt a saturated platform. The good news: even the busiest streets have clear pathways through the traffic if you know where to look. And although YouTube is a ‘busy street’ in this scenario, there are still definitive formulas for transcending the traffic jam — and making money on YouTube. Without further ado, let’s get into all the ways that people are already earning an income on YouTube — and how you can make money on YouTube, too.

Who are the top paid YouTubers?

So you can gather a little inspiration, let’s round up 2023’s top 10 highest-paid YouTubers in the world from every niche:

Ryan’s World: 26.8 million subscribers. Earnings: $26 million Dude Perfect: 55.3 million subscribers. Earnings: $20 million Nastya: 70 million subscribers. Earnings: $18 million Jeffree Star: 16.6 million subscribers. Earnings: $17 million DanTDM: 24.6 million subscribers. Earnings: $16.5 million

PewDiePie: 109 million subscribers. Earnings: $15.5 million VanossGaming: 25.5 million subscribers. Earnings: $15.5 million Logan Paul: 22.8 million subscribers. Earnings: $14.5 million Markiplier: 28.5 million subscribers. Earnings: $13 million Jake Paul: 20.3 million subscribers. Earnings: $11.5 million

These 10 YouTube sensations post videos from all niche types — from gaming to sports to children’s toy reviews. Whatever your target audience, their success goes to show that there is certainly no shortage of followers out there to view your content. And that YouTube is a far more accessible platform than you might think. So, how exactly do they do it? What separates these top earners from the thousands of other YouTube hopefuls out there? We’re so glad you asked. No, these success stories don’t involve brilliant businesspeople, groundbreaking entrepreneurs, or even celebrities. These are just ordinary people who employed specific strategies and tactics that achieved real results. And now, we’re going to show you how to do the same. Let’s dive in.

12 Ways to get monetized on YouTube

The Bottom Line: you want to earn an income from your YouTube channel. And you want to do it quickly and easily, without having to “hack” the system too much. Here are 12 quick and easy ways to get monetized on YouTube — and start earning money like a pro.

1. Become a YouTube Partner and earn from ads

Partnering with YouTube offers the ability to advertise on the web’s most trafficked video platform. Paid advertisements are a great way to improve visibility, gain exposure, and kick your digital marketing campaign into full gear. Become a YouTube partner through the YouTube Partner Program — or YPP for short. When you apply for the YouTube Partner Program, you’ll go through a standard review process to see whether your channel meets YouTube’s policies and guidelines. Only channels that meet the requirements will be accepted. “So, how do I get accepted into the YPP?”, you ask. For starters, you need to have a minimum of 1,000 subscribers on your channel. The good news: it doesn’t matter how long it takes you to get there — you just need to get it done. So, once you hit that not-too-daunting 1K milestone, you’ve already satisfied a generous chunk of your required quota. In addition to 1,000 subscribers, you’ll also need 4,000 hours of Watch Time on your channel’s video content over the last 12 months. Live streams and unlisted videos also count toward that total. If you’re an already-seasoned YouTuber, you might be thinking: “I hit the 4K mark ages ago!” However, only the last 12 months of activity — not the entire lifetime of your channel — count toward the YouTube Partner Program.

Moving on from the technical stuff: once you get into the program, you can then start making money from ads. First, you’ll need to choose between CPM and CPC YouTube advertising. If your advertisement is CPM (cost per 1,000 views), your viewers must watch the entire advertisement before you make any money from it. With CPC (cost per click) advertisements, you get paid according to the number of users that click the ads flanking your video. When you compare CPM and CPC, think about your own YouTube-watching habits. Do you usually sit through an entire advertisement or do you skip it? The actual rate advertisers pay ranges between $1 to $10 per 1,000 views (depending on different aspects of your channel, like size, quality, and the topic of your videos). For most channels, this averages out at around $2 to $5 per view. Now you’re starting to rake in earnings. There’s just one caveat: it’s not all yours. When you enable ads on your YouTube videos, you’ll be required to agree to Google’s ad revenue-sharing scheme for YouTube. Ultimately, this means that Google takes a 45% cut of every content creator’s YouTube ad revenue. You get the remaining 55%. And while this is certainly a substantial chunk of payout, sizable ad revenues can still net you a decent income. Either way, it pays — literally — to buddy up with the YouTube Partner Program.

2. YouTube Premium

And now for our next big question: How can creators make money with YouTube Premium? YouTube Premium affords creators a secondary revenue stream in addition to earnings through ads. In a nutshell, YouTube shares some of its Premium revenue with creators. Whatever the portion may be, the platform distributes this money to creators based on how much Watch Time they earn from Premium subscribers. And YouTube analytics is constantly measuring these performance metrics behind the scenes. More Watch Time on your channel means more money in your pocket as a YouTube Premium creator — period. So if one channel receives higher Watch Time than another, it gets a larger chunk of money. In this sense, more engaging content has a bigger payload. YouTube does take a 45% cut of a creator’s Premium earnings, just as you’ll pay for ad-generated revenue. Depending on your specific YouTube Premium metrics, content, and overall popularity, though, you could see substantial income just from this one revenue stream.

3. Мonetize videos via Google AdSense

The use of Google AdSense to monetize your videos with ads is simple and effective. However, you’ll first want to get a grasp on some basics to position yourself for success. First, what exactly is Google AdSense, and how does it work? AdSense is a Google ad network where publishers and advertisers can connect. Publishers (that’s you) start by connecting their websites to Google’s ad network. This allows advertisers to bid to display their ads on those websites. Every time someone visits the website, clicks, or views an ad, the publisher gets paid a specified percentage of the advertiser’s bid for that ad, and Google takes its fee cut from the difference. The good news here: you can join as soon as you launch your website — even on the same day. There’s no need to have an already-established website that’s already pulling in lots of traffic before you link up with AdSense. You don’t need a website or blog with written content to get this done. However, if you don’t already have a website to connect to AdSense, now would be a great time to build one. Got an existing website that’s already generating traffic? Great. Just make sure your site meets Google’s program policies before connecting it with AdSense. Next, you’ll need to meet Google’s minimum video monetization criteria:

Is your content advertiser-friendly? Did you create the content or do you have permission to use it commercially? Can you provide documentation proving your own commercial rights to all audio and media content? Does your content comply with YouTube’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines?

Once you’re approved, you’ll be ready to start running AdSense ads that can generate ad revenue. You can run ads on Google AdSense in five different ways. Check each out below to see which type is right for you: While each type of Google AdSense ad campaign is effective in its own way, you’ll want to choose the one that makes the most sense for your target audience. This includes selecting an effective format in which to display your ad.

4. YouTube Red subscription channels

You’ve probably heard of YouTube Red — but how exactly can you use it to make money on YouTube? YouTube Red is a monthly subscription service that removes ads from all videos, everywhere you watch. Users pay $11.99 per month for ad-free YouTube, mobile downloads, and music streaming. “Ad-free viewing sounds good as a viewer,” you say, “but how does this benefit content creators?” The simple answer: more money in the system is good for creators at every level. It isn’t hard to see the advantage of a $12 per month subscription — a YouTube Red subscriber easily creates ten times more value than a non-paying viewer. A realistic example: a YouTube user who watches two hours of video on the site each day will only generate about two or three dollars in revenue each month. However, if that user signs up for YouTube Red, he generates $11.99 per month. And since YouTube shares its subscription revenue with creators, YouTube Red has the potential to make you more money than off ads alone. But what cut do YouTube creators really get from YouTube’s subscription revenue? To make calculating this figure easier, YouTube introduced a creator-centric metric known as RPM or revenue per mille. RPM shows a creator their total revenue after YouTube takes its cut. It works by pulling in multiple revenue sources and giving the creator a snapshot of earnings, missed potential for earnings, and an overall picture of how well their YouTube channel is performing. In short, RPM is the total amount of revenue earned per 1,000 views. And that’s a useful metric for creators of all experience levels.

5. YouTube merchandise

Looking for an interactive way to monetize your YouTube channel? Encourage your subscribers to comment and share your videos in exchange for a chance to win or an opportunity to buy branded merchandise. Because who doesn’t love a bit of incentive? You can even start a drawing or contest to win merch as part of a fun way to engage with your subscribers. A bit of a forewarning disclaimer: to launch a successful merch campaign, the YouTuber must already have an established following of loyal subscribers. You’ll need to be backed by a loyal audience that’s willing to spend a bit of money on your brand by buying your merchandise. Once you’ve got that, selling your branded merchandise through your YouTube channel can drive conversions by turning subscribers into paying customers. And turning all that quantifiable viewership directly into dollars in your pocket. It’s a win-win. Your subscribers will appreciate the YouTube merch and your channel will benefit from both the exposure and the sales proceeds. What’s more: higher merch sales equals more passive advertising for your brand. After all, nothing achieves organic promotion better than having your subscribers walk around in t-shirts donning your logo. Look for out-of-the-box ways to engage your community. Offer drawings that your subscribers can enter to receive merchandise — because sometimes nothing monetizes quite like a little healthy competition! Before long, you’ll see just how foolproof and easy it is to sell your branded merchandise and generate income through your YouTube channel.

6. Crowdfunding: Get your fans to pay you directly

By now, you know that ads are not the only way to make money on YouTube. If you’re looking to diversify your revenue stream, it’s easy to launch a crowdfunding campaign on Patreon, GoFundMe, or Kickstarter. Each platform serves its own niche of clients and users. There are some notable differences, though. For instance, Kickstarter offers one-off funding for projects, while Patreon is designed to help fund creators on a monthly basis. In addition to giving you a platform that makes it easy for your audience to support what you’re already doing, Patreon also lets you offer rewards in exchange for their support. The types of rewards you offer your supporters are limited only by your imagination. That said, the most common types of rewards are:

Early access: Here’s where you let your backers see your content before anyone else. Insider’s Tip: publish your early access videos as unlisted — then share them exclusively with your early access folks. That way, the views you get on those videos still count when the videos go public. Behind-the-scenes access: Give your fans a more intimate peek behind the curtain. Reward your most supportive fans by sharing an entire video that shows the process behind your videos. Shout outs: Shout-outs are a straightforward way to recognize your loyal supporters. They’re also very easy and require almost no additional effort, as they are easy to integrate into your current content. Exclusive content: This can be just about anything — from bonus content, an exclusive video series, a podcast, or a blog that only backers can access. Merchandise: We already covered this, but you can offer merch to people that support you. Live Events: Offer your patrons something that’s hard to get on YouTube: interaction directly with the creator. You can set this up as a Q&A session or a more informal chit-chat-style hangout.

GoFundMe and Kickstarter also let you set up easy-to-link crowdfunding campaigns and link them right to your YouTube channel or in your video captions. Payments go straight from your fans to you with minimal downtime and minimal processing fees. Whichever crowdfunding platform you choose, it’s always good to reward your most loyal fans and followers. Throw them a bone with some exclusive content, deals, and incentives to keep them watching.

You can make money on YouTube by doing affiliate marketing — but what does this mean for you as a YouTube creator? Every time you include links to products you review and use in your videos, all purchases made with those links become trackable. If someone makes a purchase using your affiliate link, you’ll receive a small commission for the sale. Simplicity is the name of the game — you can add affiliate links right to your YouTube video descriptions. Create a seamless user interface for your subscribers by placing your affiliate links in easy-to-find places. And when it comes to affiliates? Quality matters. Make sure to link to affiliate products that represent your personal brand well and align with your brand’s marketing strategy. Never back a product you don’t fully endorse or want to be associated with. Affiliate products can help bolster your YouTube presence by linking you with a credible company that backs your legitimacy as a YouTube creator. The more quality affiliates you have as a YouTuber, the more authority you can build as a reputable, trusted online presence. And this can only serve to lasso more subscribers — even in your cross-platform social media content. As with most things, what you put into this is precisely what you’ll get out of it. More affiliate linking means more commissions. Recommend products and get rewarded. Yes — it really is that simple.

9. Brand sponsorship (a.k.a. influencer marketing)

Typically, YouTube influencers with more than 100,000 subscribers land brand deals to endorse and authentically promote a product or service in their videos. They receive a litany of emails and daily inquiries from brands hoping to partner with them. Regardless of how many opportunities flood your inbox, though, choose your brand sponsorships very carefully. It’s no crime to have discriminating tastes or to put sponsor hopefuls under scrutiny. After all, you only want to choose brands that authentically resonate with your personal experience and taste as a YouTube influencer. Here are a few important criteria to consider when choosing brand sponsorships:

Budget and Compensation Scope of project Brand asks Social media promotion involved

When do YouTube sponsorships work best? When the brand is a natural fit for you as the influencer — including your channel’s theme and audience — you’ll see organic results. And a more authentic relationship between you as the influencer and the brand sponsoring you. Keep your endorsements as genuine and aligned with your personal brand as you can. And always remember: sponsorship is you and the brand representing each other. When this proves beneficial to all parties involved — the brand, the influencer, and the target audience — you simply can’t go wrong.

How to get sponsored on YouTube

There are several approaches to getting sponsorship. Let’s go through them one by one.

Direct approach

It’s as simple as it sounds: just approach brands directly and ask for sponsorship. While this is the most traditional angle to take, it works well for small YouTube channels. And it isn’t terribly difficult to get started. Here are some quick pointers to get the ball rolling:

Make a list of brands relevant to your YouTube channel’s theme and audience. Compile their contact information, like email addresses and social media links. Pitch a personalized proposal to convince them of the value you can bring to their brand. For maximum impact, make it bespoke — don’t just send the same cookie-cutter email to everyone.

Use sponsorship platforms

Register yourself on influencer marketing platforms like Upfluence and NeoReach to find a list of brands willing to sponsor creators. Not only can you utilize these platforms to locate brands — but you can also use them to pitch the brands directly. Keep in mind: some platforms require a minimum subscriber count to register.

Attend YouTube & brand events

Does your sponsoring brand have an open-entry event coming up soon? Perfect — attend it! Events like product launches, workshops, and networking gatherings are great chances to connect with brands and other YouTube influencers. And more connections mean more growth for your YouTube channel. In a best-case scenario, you’ll get some good sponsorships under your belt — and that means more coins in your pocket. Another tip: keep an eye out for workshops organized by YouTube for its creators, where you can learn valuable ways to grow your channel.

Growing your channel always works

Ultimately, your channel is the end-all and be-all of YouTube sponsorship. Growing your channel by improving content quality and posting in reliable intervals is a sure-fire recipe for success. And consistency in your video feeds can help you stand out from the rest. The key thing is making sure your content showcases your ability to bring value to brands. After you’ve done that, it’s just a waiting game before sponsors come to you. And remember: patience is key to success. While you shouldn’t expect overnight results, just focus on doing what you do best: creating engaging YouTube content.

10. License your content to the media

Every time you grant someone else permission to use your YouTube content, you get paid. That’s the basic idea behind content licensing. As a YouTube creator, you can work with Creative Commons, a global non-profit organization whose focus is to expand the accessibility of copyrighted content. Marking your videos with a CC BY license allows you to retain your copyright while other creators reuse your work, subject to the terms of the license. The Bottom Line: if someone else wants to reuse your work, they must first get your permission. You can still also sell your own YouTube videos commercially. Always protect yourself within the YouTube community. Your videos are your intellectual property and anyone who uses any part of them must follow applicable copyright laws. Under a CC BY license, you are free to stop offering your licensed content at any time. In this sense, it’s a flexible way to make money on YouTube without the hassle of a contract.

11. Earn money with Channel Memberships

This is one of YouTube’s newest monetization features. YouTube has slowly been rolling out Channel Memberships since mid-2020. With the Channel Memberships feature, subscribers can pay creators for exclusive video content, just like on Patreon — all without ever leaving the YouTube platform. As you’ve come to expect from nearly all YouTube programs, creators have to satisfy a few basic requirements before you can offer Channel Memberships to your subscribers. At the very least, you must:

Have no less than 1,000 subscribers Have a YouTube channel that is not ‘Made For Kids’ Be enrolled in the YouTube Partner Program​ Be within an available location Make sure to keep ineligible content to a minimum Comply with YouTube’s policies and terms of service Be at least 18 years of age

The YouTube Channel Memberships feature is very easy to set up. It allows you to offer exclusive members-only perks such as custom emojis, loyalty badges, exclusive live streams, members-only community posts, bonus content, live chat access, and a whole lot more. The key is making your members feel special by providing exclusive content. To check your eligibility, take a look at your YouTube Memberships specs.

12. Selling your own courses

Even if you have just one thing to sell, sell it well. Think of your YouTube channel as your soapbox — your megaphone. If you’ve got something to teach, instruct or display, there are plenty of people out there who want to watch and listen. And this translates directly into monetization of your YouTube content. When it comes to aligning yourself to sell online courses, there are two key elements you should never rush or overlook. And they are strikingly similar to things that you need to grow your YouTube channel. The first is your value presentation — the second is your audience.

Value presentation

It is crucial to demonstrate your value to your viewers. From the outset, you’ll need to educate them about how your product will be advantageous to them. There are 3 points at which to do this: Your ultimate goal: is to make the viewer’s experience compelling enough for them to move seamlessly from impression to conversion.

Target audience

This is where you can get highly specific about who you’re adding value to. You need to really understand your audience — including your viewer’s story and circumstances. Once you’ve gathered sufficient data about your audience, the conveyance is key. Do your best to clearly and effectively communicate that understanding through the branding of your channel. Understanding your audience is the most important way to engage them in a meaningful way. And it’s the crucial first step to making progress in the sale of online courses.

Don’t oversell

What is a common mistake YouTube creators make when integrating online courses into their channels? They pitch their product in every video. Pushing too hard is an easy-to-make mistake that can turn viewers off to your YouTube channel or, even worse, away from YouTube entirely. And that’s something that YouTube as a platform definitely does not want. The result: your video falls by the wayside, as it is less likely to be recommended and discoverable. Ideally, try to hit the sweet spot between demonstrating value and pitching on your channel. Try integrating these 3 types of video content into your overall strategy:

Impressionable content: Goal: reach new viewers (who have never seen your channel before). Style: produced and polished. Call to action: simply watch more videos. Credibility content: Goal: increase your ‘know, like, and trust’ factor with your existing audience. Style: laid back, informal. Call to action: engagement (like comments). Sales content: Goal: take your audience off YouTube. Call to action: click a link or visit a URL.

These three elements are the step-by-step process at the heart of conversion — so you can turn viewers into sales.

How many views do you need on YouTube to make money?

Earlier in this article, we mentioned that you need 4,000 Watch Hours to join the YouTube Partner Program and make money from ads. “Okay, tell me something I don’t already know,” you say. Well, alright then! There’s no hard and fast rule that more views translate into higher YouTube earnings. Yes — high viewership translates into more credibility, a better likelihood for sponsorships, and easier entrance into advertising campaigns. In this sense, a high view number can boost your earning potential by attracting leads. On its face, though, it doesn’t necessarily mean more revenue. If you don’t implement other avenues to generate a revenue stream, views alone don’t earn cash. Subscribership, however — that’s where you get the proverbial bang for your buck. In 2018, a data scientist worked out that influencers would need 100,000 subscribers to make around $2,000 a month. Ideally, you want to have both: high viewership and a high sub count. How much money do you make per view on YouTube? Advertisers usually pay between $0.10 to $0.30 per view (averaging at $0.18 per view). How much money do 1 million views on YouTube make? YouTubers make between $3,400 to $40,000 per 1 million views, depending on a variety of factors like ad campaigns, sponsorships, and more. How much money do 1,000 views on YouTube make? On average, a YouTube channel can receive $18 per 1,000 ad views, which equates to $3 to $5 per 1,000 views. How many views do YouTubers need to get paid? In order to get paid by YouTube, you need to reach a balance of $100 or more from views. This means you’ll need to reach 20,000 views if you receive $5 per 1,000 views. Join the YouTube Partner Program to get paid through advertisements on your channel. How many subscribers to make money on YouTube? To be eligible for monetization through advertisements on YouTube, you need at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of Watch Time in the previous 12-month period.

YouTube monetization requirements 2023

YouTube’s current monetization policies for 2023 are reasonably detailed and include a host of specs and requirements that YouTube moderators check for. Reviewers assess your content to make determinations about the authenticity of your YouTube channel. And since they can’t check every single video, their overall assessment includes things like:

Main theme Is the overall idea, niche, and personality of your channel compliant with YouTube’s policies? Most viewed videos What type of content snags the most viewership on your channel? Newest videos What kinds of content have you posted recently? The biggest proportion of Watch Time When viewers visit your channel, how are they spending most of their time? Video metadata This includes titles, thumbnails, and descriptions of your videos. Is this SEO optimized and compliant with YouTube’s guidelines? YouTube Monetization Countries List 2023 As it turns out, YouTube has only launched a monetized site in select countries. Check out the full list of countries here.

How to Become a YouTuber?

It would be easy to argue that starting a YouTube channel is no longer ‘worth it’. After all, it’s a saturated platform. And we’ve seen the self-made millionaires already born from the site. Yes — some things are easier than becoming an overnight YouTube sensation — but that doesn’t mean you can’t grab your slice of the pie. The recent success of YouTube influencers has had marketers shifting in their boots. They are now rethinking new ways to reach their audience, get noticed, and differentiate themselves from the herd. YouTube has weaved itself into the marketing framework of many businesses — and really anyone looking for a soapbox on which to get their voice heard. So, it’s actually a very relevant dream to have your own YouTube channel. Take a look at these 10 steps to becoming a successful YouTuber:

How to make money on YouTube without making videos?

Did you know that some YouTube channels are comprised of reused content alone? You don’t have to create original content — or even make videos at all — to have a successful YouTube channel. By themselves, affiliate marketing and advertisements are enough to generate an income on YouTube, without making any videos. Reuploading videos to your channel (without violating any licensing agreements, of course) can also help you build a YouTube channel. I published an article on the topic “How to Make Money on YouTube Without Making Videos“. I hope you’ll enjoy it.

How do people make money on YouTube?

You can make money on YouTube by becoming a YouTube Partner and earning money from ads, selling products or merchandise, crowdfunding, licensing content to the media, and affiliate branding and brand sponsorships.

How much money can you make on YouTube?

There is no ceiling to how much you can earn on YouTube. On average, the YouTube pay rate for an ad view ranges between $0.01 and $0.03. A YouTuber can make around $18 per 1,000 ad views, which comes out to $3 to $5 for every 1,000 video views.

How much money do YouTubers make?

YouTuber incomes range, with an average of between $0.10 to $0.30 per view for ads (which averages out at $0.18 per view). An average YouTube channel can receive $18 per 1,000 ad views. This equates to $3 to $5 per 1,000 video views.

What is the best way to make money on YouTube?

One YouTuber might choose to become a YouTube personality or create a Web TV series. Another might do affiliate marketing for other companies products or sell their own merchandise through their YouTube channel. Options are based on your brand, audience, and style.

How to get paid on YouTube?

First, enable your channel for monetization. Next, connect your YouTube channel to an AdSense account in order to earn money and get paid for your monetized videos.

How does YouTube send you money?

YouTube deposits money into your AdSense Account for videos and ads you post on your channel. All payments are issued through your AdSense account. To get paid, sign in to your AdSense account and make sure you’ve resolved all payment holds.

How to make money from YouTube in 2023 and beyond?

First, it’s a good idea to join the YouTube Partner Program. Then grow your channel with compelling content and amazing videos that engage your audience. Next, sell products and merchandise, launch ad campaigns, and much more.

How to make money on YouTube without making new videos?

Most of the channels we watch don’t even use their own content. These channels reupload videos from others in order to make money. They monetize their channels through ads and affiliate marketing.

How to make money on YouTube without making videos at all?

Affiliate marketing and advertisements alone can generate an income on YouTube, without making any videos. Reuploading videos to your channel (without violating any licensing agreements, of course) can help you build a YouTube channel.

Who is the highest-paid YouTuber?

Ryan Kaji is the highest-paid YouTube. His channel, Ryan’s World, hit earnings of over $26 million in 2020.

How do you increase your YouTube earnings?

Start with improving the quality of your videos. Also, optimize ads, make a schedule for posts, and create your own thumbnails to attract initial clicks. You can also sell your own products or those of an affiliate (through affiliate marketing) or receive sponsorships once your YouTube channel grows.

Why are my YouTube earnings decreasing?

YouTube earnings can decrease because certain topics are more popular during certain seasons or holidays, or simply because as content gets older, it tends to get buried under the ever-increasing amount of YouTube videos being posted.

Is YouTube good for earning money?

Once you have a strategy in place, it isn’t difficult to earn money on YouTube. Keep in mind that you may be liable to pay taxes to your country of residence on any income earned from your monetized videos on YouTube.

Do YouTubers still get paid when you skip ads?

YouTubers usually get less money when you skip ads, depending on when you choose to skip them. How much less depends on whether the YouTuber’s ad campaign is CPM (cost per 1,000 views of the entire ad) or CPC (cost per click).

How to make money on YouTube without showing your face?

You can upload whatever type or genre of videos you like to your YouTube channel — even ones that don’t show your face — as long as they comply with YouTube’s policies and guidelines. It is still possible to create engaging content without revealing your identity or showing your face.

How to make money playing video games on YouTube?

Once your YouTube channel becomes large enough (and influential enough in the gaming community), you can make money from viewers in Super Chats, where viewers can attach dollar amounts in chat as you live stream.

How to earn money just by watching YouTube videos?

Websites like Swagbucks have special reward programs that offer viewers opportunities to make money online by just watching YouTube videos or even TV shows. They pay you simply for watching and/or performing some tasks during or after the watching process.

How does YouTube Premium affect content creators?

Paid membership fees are a revenue source for YouTube content creators. YouTube Premium members can also download your videos to watch offline on mobile and play them in the background — helping content creators to get more watch time.

When can you start making money on YouTube?

You can apply for monetization once you’ve hit 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 Watch Hours over the past year.

Can you make money on YouTube without subscribers?

Your earning potential on YouTube isn’t determined solely by subscribers, but also by the level of engagement you generate, the niche you cater to, and other revenue channels.

What videos make money on YouTube?

All kinds of videos make money on YouTube, regardless of niche and audience.

What are some topics that make money on YouTube?

Gaming, internet marketing, pranks, compilations, comedy, education, travel, and fitness are some of the most lucrative topics on YouTube.

Can you make money on YouTube with other people’s videos?

Yes. YouTube allows its users access to a library of videos that fall under the Creative Commons license, which allows you to use other people’s YouTube videos (and make money from them).

Can you make money on YouTube by uploading videos?

Content creators aren’t paid by YouTube for the videos they upload, and videos aren’t monetized by default. To make money on YouTube, enable monetization in your YouTube account settings.

Can you make money on YouTube with music?

You can earn money on YouTube by joining the YouTube Partner Program and using ads to generate revenue. While you focus on making music, YouTube matches ads with your channel and the fans who watch your videos.

Can you make money on YouTube with gaming?

Gaming is an extremely lucrative topic on YouTube. Some of the highest-paid YouTubers are in the gaming niche.

Can you make money on YouTube with just one video?

You are unlikely to earn any money as you place your first video on YouTube. You are a video newcomer — and certainly a long way from influencer status. However, everyone starts at the bottom.

Does Joe Rogan make money on YouTube?

In 2017, he made an estimated $5 million annually in YouTube revenue. Within a few years, he had increased that number to $30 million per year.

Can nonprofits make money on YouTube?

Eligible nonprofits within the U.S. can be fundraised with the Donate button by channels with access to YouTube Giving, a built-in tool to help raise money for charity. About

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