Here, we will introduce the port number used by Apache and MySQL, the initial setting method of php.ini which is the environment setting of Apache and the configuration file of PHP.
MAMP settings
Settings - Start/Stop
Start Server Check MAMP PRO Open WebStart
Settings - Port
By default, MAMP has Apache port 8888, Nginx port 7888, and MySQL port 8889. Click Set Web and MySQL ports to 80 and 3306 to change the ports. Confirm that the Apache and Nginx ports have been changed to “80” and the MySQL port to “3306”, then click “OK”.
- Please refer to here if the error “There is a problem with the server ports.” is displayed.
MAMP error handling “There is a problem with the server ports.”
- With this setting, the URL for accessing MAMP’s Apache in the browser will be changed from “http://localhost:8888/” to “http://localhost/”.
Settings - PHP
Settings - Web Server
Admin has set htdocs in Dropbox to share with Windows.
Settings - MySQL
php.ini settings
Change time zone
- Restart MAMP or the server.