If you follow these ways and tips to organize your apps, you can save a lot of time and effort, and you will have a neatly organized and pleasant-looking iPhone home screen within a matter of seconds. Let’s start with app management, and then we can see how to organize apps on your iPhone aesthetically. Related Reads

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In this article, we are going to see…

5 Best Methods to Manage Your Apps:

The first step you should take if you want to organize your iPhone is to declutter and manage the apps. You don’t have to worry about how to organize apps on your iPhone if there are not several apps that take up space, are not used often, or you didn’t know exists on your iPhone.

1. Start with Your Home Screen

The first thing you see when you turn on your iPhone is the Home Screen; if it is clumsy and cluttered with a lot of apps, it will take you a lot of time to find the app you’re looking for, and it will make you less productive when you spend time on your phone. Start with the home screen to make the question ‘how to organize apps on your iPhone?’ less daunting. Your home page should have a minimum number of apps so that it would not stress you out with all the mess. Keep the apps you use on a daily basis on the home screen, and try to avoid creating folders as it just adds more complexity which you do not need to see every time you unlock your iPhone. And then, you can go by the apps you use on a weekly basis and organize them on the second page. You can create folders according to your preference and organize them to find the apps more easily when needed.

2. Keep most of the apps on the App Library

All iPhones running on iOS 14 or later versions have this App Library feature. All apps will be stored in the App Library as a default, so you don’t have to worry about uninstalling apps to clear your home screen.  You can just keep the frequently used apps on your Home page and remove the rest of the apps from there to give your phone an organized look. This way, you can go to the app library to look for an app or just type the app name on the search bar to easily find it. To remove apps from Home Screen, follow these steps:

Touch and hold an app icon until you see a minus symbol Press the minus button. You will be given the options Delete the app and Remove App from the Home Screen Select Remove App from Home Screen.

3. Delete Duplicate Apps

Sometimes you unknowingly may have two or more similar apps that serve the same purpose on your iPhone. Firstly, compare them and see which one has the better quality, has more features you need, and performs better before deleting one of them.  If you have apps with the same purpose, it not only takes up space on your home screen, making it look cluttered and unorganized, but it also takes up storage space for all the data and software it uses from your iPhone’s memory.  For example, if you are using Google Translate app without knowing that you have a generic translation app preinstalled on your iPhone, consider all the aspects of which can be a superior app and delete the other one.

4. Remove Apps You Don’t Need/Use Anymore

You may have installed an app you needed for a particular time, place, or purpose but if you don’t use it anymore, delete it while you declutter. Don’t hesitate to delete apps you no longer use. You can install it again if you need them only on rare occasions. And there are chances for you to find a similar app for the same purpose with upgraded and advanced features than the one you are keeping. 

5. Delete Outdated Apps

And again, you may not have noticed that the app you are keeping on your iPhone is obsolete or outdated because you are not using it often, so it is good to delete it immediately either way.  Also Reads

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How to Organize Apps on Your iPhone – 5 Simple Ways

If you are too worried about how to organize apps on your iPhone without having to spend too much time and effort, here are some simple methods you can follow to have an organized iPhone interface to your taste.

1. Organize Apps in Alphabetical Order

One of the easiest and neatest ways to organize apps is by arranging them in alphabetical order. It makes searching and finding an app quicker, saving you a lot of time and effort.  You don’t have to arrange them manually as there is an easy hack:

Go to the “Settings” app Select “General” You have to find the “Reset” button and select it And then select “Reset Home Screen Layout.”

All your apps will be arranged in the A-Z order except for some of the default apps preinstalled on your iPhone, which will go to their original location.

2. Organize Based on Usage Frequency

If you are a productivity-obsessed person, this is the best way for you to organize. Arrange the apps based on how frequently you use the app to less used ones on the home screen. You can also choose to categorize by the type of app or simply keep them in the ‘most used’ way of arrangement.

3. Organize by Color-Coding Apps and App Folders

If you are a person who likes to keep everything aesthetically organized and pleasing to look at, you can opt for arranging the apps based on their colors. It may not be the quickest way to find the app you are looking for, but if you want your iPhone Home Screen to look good to make you feel better, then it’s worth it.  Sometimes looking at a pleasant screen is better than being quick and easy. And if you are an organized person, you can easily remember in which row and column the app you are looking for is located after a few times. If it is difficult for you to choose a color scheme, go by the rainbow color sequence, ROYGBIV. You can use this same color-coding method to organize your folders.  You can do this in two ways:

Arrange the same color apps inside a folder Arrange apps by their type and change the folder color

4. Organize Based on App Type

You can arrange the apps based on their type and utility. For example, you can categorize your communication apps and put them all in one folder. Like this, you can categorize the apps based on your preference and keep them in separate folders. 

5. Be Creative with the Folder Titles

The folders you create and use for keeping apps should be titled for you to access easily. And you can get creative with the titles according to your preference. Here are a few ways you can name your folders:

You can use emojis or a series of emojis to convey the types of apps in that folder. You can use positive affirmations, which was a trend in social media, to title a folder. For example, if you have a folder with all your communication and social media apps, you can name it “I am connected,” which gives you affirmation and control over your mindset.

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Organizing the End

Follow these methods, and you will find how to organize apps on your iPhone in a more fun way rather than a chore. Decluttering apps and organizing them can pave the way for you to be productive and motivated during your phone-using time. Without stress, you will find yourself concentrating more on the task at hand rather than focusing on the mess. 

  1. Go to the App Library2. Touch and hold an app you want to move3. Drag them across the screen  You can also do other customizations like changing themes to give your iPhone a makeover along with app organization. Hope you find these common and creative ways to organize apps on your iPhone helpful. If you have any other suggestions, leave a comment below.