Or maybe you just need a second reminder for calls and texts. I know that I do. There have been plenty of times when I’ve checked a text notification, thought about replying to it, and simply left it without an answer. The apps I’ll be talking about today though are a few solutions to this easily solvable problem. Be warned however, at least one of these apps need account information – such as passwords – in order to work properly. If that makes you cautious, this first method might not be for you. However, with that out of the way, there are three different methods I’ve discovered that will suit your needs, and I’ll go through each of them starting with probably the most complicated one first.

Method 1: Missed Call & SMS to Email

In this first method, I’ll be talking about an app on the Google Play Store that forwards both SMS and Missed calls to the Gmail account you provide with them. But, this is the one that requires you to give up a Gmail password so apply this method at your own risk. Step 1: First things first, you will need to download the application from the Google Play Store. Searching for it myself was difficult enough, so if you click the Google Play button below it will take you right to it. As long as that button took you to the right place, below this is what you should be seeing. Well, give or take an Uninstall and Open button below. If you already have those then shame on you for following the directions out of order! If you have not installed it already, go ahead and do so to move on to the next step. Step 2: After the quick installation has finished go ahead and open up the app to get started with the setup. The setup itself first gives you an agreement to either agree or disagree to that looks like so. It’s up to you whether to agree or disagree, but if you disagreed that would pretty much change Step 3 to uninstalling the app. If you chose to agree, however, move on to the next step at your leisure, it’ll still be there if you decide to take a short break Step 3: With the agreement out of the way you’re on to the main screen of the app which looks a little – well, almost exactly – like this. From here you can finally set what you want the app to do which includes sending you an email for either SMS, calls, or both if that tickles your fancy. After you’ve selected both or only one move down below to the next section. Step 4: This part is pretty self-explanatory, but it wouldn’t be much of an article if it wasn’t explained anyhow. Here you’ll be setting the email that sends the notification which you will have to provide the password for as well. If you using an email that you use frequently unnerves you, that’s entirely understandable so you may want to create a separate Gmail for these notifications alone, or use a throwaway email address that you already have for applications like this. Step 5: Below that is where you’ll be setting the email that gets the notifications, they can both be the same though if you don’t feel like putting in two different ones. Then, if you look underneath that, you’ll see a handy option to set the time frame of when you’d like to get notifications, and even days of the week along with that. Step 6: The final step is the most important one; confirming all of your changes so the app can actually do what it was designed to do. You can’t see the confirm button completely when you load up the app, but when you scroll down you can see it hiding there at the bottom. Hit confirm, wait a few moments, and you should be all set from here on out with your new notifications app that manages to do both all on its own. However I have two other methods for separate instances of SMS or missed calls that are easier to setup and don’t ask as much of you for something so seemingly simple.

Method 2: Missed Call Mailer

This method is only for missed calls and may be the quickest setup of the three, so if this is the only function you want and you’re looking for convenience this may be your best bet. Step 1: Something similar that most apps share is that you have to install them first, so here’s a quick link to Missed Call Mailer on the Play Store to get you started. After you have that open this is what you should see as long as the app is still up. So, once you have that screen barring the Uninstall button of course, go ahead and install it and continue on to the next step. Step 2: After you open the application up, this should be the first thing you see. Minus that little red arrow up there that I added to show you where to confirm. At first glance, this honestly looks like a pretty barren UI, but that may be this application’s strong suit. All you really need to do from here is put in the email you want notifications to be sent to, hit confirm, and then you’ll get a little message saying to answer an activation email. Step 3: This step is short, because all you really have to do is answer the email you receive and then you’re on your way. This app was definitely easier to install and setup than the one in the previous method, so it could be a good choice. Nevertheless, there’s one more method left for someone that just wants missed call notification functionality.

Method 3: Relay ME, SMS via Email

Relay ME is specifically for SMS notifications, or at the very least, that’s what it appears to do. After setup, you’ll also get a checkbox to notify you about missed calls, making this app pretty handy. Step 1: It’s the same song and dance as always with the first step, but here’s a link to make the install a little easier on your fingers. Then, you’ll be greeted with this, just for confirmation’s sake. Once you have it installed, feel free to fire it up and continue on. Step 2: As soon as you open up the application, you’ll be greeted with this. Along with the friendly welcome, you also get a link to the wiki, which is grounds for bonus points in my book. After accepting the welcome you’ll move onto the meat of the app which is where you’ll be putting in two different – though they could be the same – email addresses. Step 3: Once the welcome screen is gone, you’ll be seeing a screen similar to this though your Forward To section should be a little different, but we’ll get into that at a later step. You’ll notice, however, there’s already an email address under the “Send Via” section. To get one there too on your screen you’ll need to hit the Gmail button, once you do that you’ll be taken to this screen after a quick confirmation box. If you are okay with the terms, allow it and you can move onto the next step. Step 4: If your account setup was successful, you’ll see this. So now, the only thing we have left to do is set up a forwarding email address. Once you click Set target email address, you’ll see the Forward To option that was in the third step. Now just insert your email address and hit the floppy disc symbol to save it. If you did everything correctly, you’ll be rewarded with this. Now after you exit the app and open it again, all your information should be displayed in the correct places. You should even have a checkbox to tick if you want to see notifications about missed calls too.


All three methods listed above have their merits, but some are easier to follow through with than others are. Method 1 asks for account information that some may not be comfortable with, but lets you receive notifications on both SMS and missed calls. Method 2 is only for missed calls, but has the fastest setup out of all above options if this is the only feature you want. Method 3 is easy to setup for SMS notifications, but doesn’t advertise well that it also works for missed calls, but Relay ME seems to have an attractive UI and is easy to use. Yet there are still other methods out there if none of these seems like an attractive enough option. There are a lot of them out there, and these are only scratching the surface when it comes to options. If you have problems with any of them feel free to ask questions below or comment on easier or better alternatives.

How to Forward SMS and Missed Calls to Your Gmail on Android   JoyofAndroid - 50How to Forward SMS and Missed Calls to Your Gmail on Android   JoyofAndroid - 64How to Forward SMS and Missed Calls to Your Gmail on Android   JoyofAndroid - 43How to Forward SMS and Missed Calls to Your Gmail on Android   JoyofAndroid - 32How to Forward SMS and Missed Calls to Your Gmail on Android   JoyofAndroid - 52How to Forward SMS and Missed Calls to Your Gmail on Android   JoyofAndroid - 33How to Forward SMS and Missed Calls to Your Gmail on Android   JoyofAndroid - 45How to Forward SMS and Missed Calls to Your Gmail on Android   JoyofAndroid - 91How to Forward SMS and Missed Calls to Your Gmail on Android   JoyofAndroid - 51How to Forward SMS and Missed Calls to Your Gmail on Android   JoyofAndroid - 98How to Forward SMS and Missed Calls to Your Gmail on Android   JoyofAndroid - 43How to Forward SMS and Missed Calls to Your Gmail on Android   JoyofAndroid - 93How to Forward SMS and Missed Calls to Your Gmail on Android   JoyofAndroid - 40How to Forward SMS and Missed Calls to Your Gmail on Android   JoyofAndroid - 98How to Forward SMS and Missed Calls to Your Gmail on Android   JoyofAndroid - 61