The Corona Virus pandemic happening right now is scary. The main reason is this specific Corona Virus is a new strand, which means we only have little to no knowledge of it. It’s like we’re blindly fighting! The other strands of Corona Virus, such as SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, have higher fatality rates, yes. But, this doesn’t make the new strand, COVID-19, any less dangerous. If you are going to ask why… Well, the COVID-19 symptoms are most likely to be undetected, especially in its early stages. It has flu-like symptoms, which makes people think it’s just a cold. What’s even worse is that a virus carrier may have no symptoms at all! This reason makes the virus spread with an exponential growth rate, just like wildfires! There are hundreds of thousand people infected, and experts do not expect these rates to deflate anytime soon. In fact, the transmission of the virus was so fast that it became a worldwide health concern. Most highly-affected countries are now implementing home quarantine, and cities are also being locked-down. Now, here’s the thing: Being safe in your home doesn’t equate to being healthy. Sure, you won’t get Corona, but it restricts our routine of going to gyms, yoga classes, running, and more. You might also not be able to consult your dietician for a balanced diet of sorts! Such a bummer, right?! But fret not! We’ve come to a list of ways on how Android can keep you healthy amidst Coronavirus! Let’s get started!

  1. Taking Care of Physical Health
  2. Watch What You Eat
  3. Caring for Mental Health

Caring for Your Physical Health is Important

Always be physically fit!

COVID-19 forced us to do precautionary measures and implement social distancing. And, of course, what better way to prevent the virus from spreading that to avoid crowds, hence, the implementation of home quarantine. Yes, you are right, this will get in the way of going to gyms, or even jogging around the block. But, there are no excuses when it comes to taking care of your health. That’s why we listed some apps that will help you stay fit during this difficult time. Let’s dig into the list!

1. Pinterest

Pinterest is home for a lot of things, aesthetics, and ideas. You can find tons of photos and clips that may or may not link you to another website. It works like your bulletin board. You can create multiple boards where you can pin photos and videos you want to bookmark or save. It is also a great place to find home exercise routines may it be with equipment or not. It is best if you don’t want to watch a lengthy video or exercise tutorials.

2. YouTube

Of course, how could we not include this app? Everything is on YouTube! There’s a lot of people who use this platform to share their knowledge, experience, and expertise. Now, there are several fitness instructors and gym owners that upload informative videos. The video below is from one of my favorite fitness channels.

We all know it. We’ll never run out of YouTube videos to watch. Aside from they are entertaining, you’ll also learn a lot from some of them.

3. Male Fitness Home Workout – No Equipment

This Home Workout app is very useful if you want to be in shape during the quarantine. Let’s be honest. People often say that they have no time to hit the gym. Well, this is the perfect time for you to get that abs! The workouts and routines in this app is specifically for target areas such as abs, chest, arm, leg, shoulder, and back. It will also ask you to set up a weekly goal and show you how many calories you burnt weekly per workout routine you followed.

4. Female Fitness – Women Workout

The Female Fitness – Women Workout app provides you with workout routines that you can easily do at home. Look: The app has routines that specifically target women’s usual problem areas but it also has full-body workout routines. Additionally, the app calculates the calorie burnt per workout, provided that you have given your weight and height information. For beginners, don’t worry! You can choose from workout difficulty levels such as Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. By trying out the app, the exercises are doable and don’t need any gym equipment to work.

5. Yoga Workout (Beginner-friendly)

The Yoga Workout app provides users both yoga and workout routines. It has different techniques and routines you can choose from. The app allows you to set the mood for your yoga workout. You can select from Morning Yoga, Yoga Balance, Dynamic Yoga, Care Yoga, Power Yoga, Gentle Yoga, and so much more.

Watch What You Eat

Eat healthy now!

Drop that unhealthy can of Spam and start making healthier dishes! Besides, being stuck in your home allows you to have more time to prepare and cook meals whether it’s for yourself or your loved ones. It’s not easy, I know! But don’t you think it’s the perfect time to improve your cooking skills? Explore and try out new dishes. And don’t you worry, we have listed some apps where you can get those healthy recipes for free!

1. Google Chrome

We all know that Google has the answer to everything, including recipes! With the Chrome app, everything is a search away. Just look at how many recipes it will render when you search for easy healthy recipes. Of course, you can also be more specific, like searching for healthy chicken recipes. Whatever it is your tummy desire, google has a recipe in store for you!

2. Tasty

Tasty is a very useful app for people who like to explore the world of cooking. Most recipes n this app is beginner-friendly and uses ingredients that you can easily find in your kitchen. It also has a lot of recipes that are home-made because the people behind tasty are just working in their office’s kitchen.

3. SuperFood – Healthy Recipes

I must say that this app is an excellent grocery companion. Not only that it gives you recipes but it also allows you to mark ingredients as added to your shopping cart. This way, you’d not miss anything on the list Also, you can mark a recipe as something you did and ate. The app will then track your calorie intake based on these and other food you’ve eaten.

4. I’m Hungry: Vegetarian Recipes

This app will make you hungry, for sure. It is full of mouth-watering vegetarian recipes that are capable of giving you balanced nutrition, even without meat. The I’m Hungry app is user-friendly and easy to navigate to. The recipes are also easy to do and most will not take too much of your time.

5. Low-Fat Recipes

I’m not gonna lie. The app’s user interface isn’t the best, but it has really great recipes that I love! It contains healthy, low-fat recipes that are perfect for people on a diet. As we know, chilling in our house for a whole month will definitely make us gain weight. However, watching what you eat on a daily basis can somehow, make up to it.

Taking Care of Mental Health

Mental health is important!

Of course, how can we forget your mental health? Now, staying at home might be a simple thing to do for some, but it’s not the case for all. There are adventurous people out there that love to be on the road. Some might be claustrophobic, while other people fear the idea of being trapped in their own homes. The situation may cause some people to overthink, feel so isolated or worse, have anxiety or panic attacks. And nobody wants that! Looking at the brighter side of the situation might help. Try to go back to your old hobbies that you forgot you loved or find a new one. Re-invent yourself and find your passion. Do some cool and stupid stuff and ideas. Most importantly, talk to your loved ones! Here, we listed some apps that could help you with these!

1. Online Messaging Apps

The virus is scary and going through it alone makes the situation worse. In challenging times like this, some people might not have the luxury of being with their families. Thankfully, the Internet brought us closer to our loved ones. We can now share our feelings and thoughts through the use of our mobile phones. Here are some of the many online messaging apps that connect us to the people we love.

SkypeSkype supports chatting, voice calls, video calls, and share screen.

WeChatWeChat supports messaging with cute stickers, voice calls, and video calls.

Facebook MessengerFacebook Messenger supports messaging, voice and video calls with fun filters.

2. Multimedia Sharing Platforms

I bet most of us will miss having people around, even strangers. Now, to ease the loneliness, it’s always fun to watch videos and clips on any multimedia sharing platforms. Moreover, you could also share yours! By doing so, you could interact with other people and gain some fans. Below are some of the most-used multimedia sharing platforms you can enjoy.

YouTubeYouTube allows users to post videos of any length, that are filmed or edited.

TikTokTikTok is an app where you could share creative clips. These clips can be edited in the app itself because the app has cool video effects.

InstagramYou can share your daily stories to Instagram. But of course, it supports IG TV where users can share tutorials and other stuff. After your IG TV live, you can post a clip of it on your IG feed for your followers to see.

3. Binge Watch Movies & TV Shows

With all the time you have, it’s time to watch your most love series all over again! Or maybe, you could cross out a few items on your To-Watch List. While there are other movie or TV show streaming sites available, here are our top 3 suggestions. They are home to a countless number of movies and exclusive TV shows that would keep you occupied.



4. Listen to Music, Audio Books, Podcasts, or Read E-Books

The time where you’ll get bored from streaming movies, TV shows, and videos. But fret not because music, podcasts, audiobooks, and e-books got you covered!

ScribdDue to home quarantine implemented in most countries, Scribd announced that they would be creating a free library of audiobooks and e-books. The best part is it will be free for a whole month!

SpotifySpotify will bring you the best music playlist depending on your mood.

Google PodcastThe Google Podcast basically acts like a radio but with your favorite artists, YouTubers, and influencers as host.

5. Redecorate Your Home

Since you’d be spending a lot of time in your house, I bet you’d notice some furniture that needs to be fixed. You might also want to spice up some places in your home, organize, and renovate them. Well, here are some apps that might be useful for your redecoration plans!

Room Planner: Home Interior & Floorplan Design 3DPlan your home’s renovation and redecoration with this awesome app!

Woodworking 101 – Woodwork LessonsIf you are wondering how to replace a table, cabinet door and more, this app is all you need.

+10,000 DIY IdeasSince you can’t hire people to do some things for you, you might want to check out this app for easy home DIYs and hacks.

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What It’s Like To Be Home Quarantined

Staying at home for weeks can be a struggle. Most of the time, you’ll find yourself bored, running out of possible things to do. Maybe, a part of you might realize that parts of your house need to be fixed. But hey, more time at home means more time for yourself or your family. It’s also a time do bring back old hobbies that made you happy and discover new ones! What do you think of the Community Home Quarantine? What are the things you like to do and what new hobbies have you discovered? Share it with us in the comments section below! Featured Image

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