Android N is still in active development, and apart from a preview for certain Nexus devices, we’re waiting to see what’s in store for the new release. It’s still in the beta stage, but it gives us a better idea of what they’re aiming for. From greater security options to increased productivity, it seems they’ve focused on improving the user experience, but there have been problems along the way. Want to learn more about everything we’ve learned? Check our guide for everything you need to know.

Android N Developer Preview

Android N has recently been released, but only in the form of a beta version meant for developers. It’s available on a select list of Nexus devices, so there’s quite a bit of information available about what they’ve done so far. (The beta also comes with monthly updates.) The Nexus devices you can download it for are; The Nexus 6, Nexus 6P, Nexus 5X, Nexus 9, Pixel C or the Nexus Player Android TV box. Although it’s a developer beta, users are also welcome to try it out, but it has caused a few problems for some of the early adopters. The problems stem from an update which can break the OS, and an inability to roll back to Marshmallow. However, these types of issues are likely to be cleared up by the time it’s properly released. It’s annoying for anyone affected, but it’s fair to say that these things happen during beta testing. For everything we’ve learned so far, check further down the list for more information.

Android N Release Date/Name

So, when can we expect a commercial release of Android N? It’s probably going to be released with the Nexus range of 2016, but we’re probably going to have to wait for a few months to get the rumors confirmed. For now, the Nexus 7 seems like the most likely device to get the treatment. It’s a shame that we don’t have any concrete information yet, but it’s likely that Google will share the official name a few weeks before the release of the 2016 Nexus range. It’s also possible that we’ll find out after the Google I/O developer conference in May, so stay tuned. (Google have previously used this platform to showcase previous updates to the Android system.) We’ve listed the devices most likely to be included with the new update below.

Device List

Aside from the Nexus devices listed above, which devices will get the new version of Android? It’s likely it will take at least a few months before we start seeing it rolled out to other handsets. Even then, it’ll take a while for the hardware manufacturer to update their systems, meaning it can take even longer depending on your device. Newer models tend to receive updates faster, but if you’re still waiting on the last one, you may never get to see the update running on your device. We’ll have a full list of compatible devices when the information is made available.


What can we expect from the new version of Android? It promises a complete overhaul of the Android experience, but what does that mean for us? Are the new features gimmicks, or will they actually be used frequently? There’s already a confirmed range of enhancements. The notification system has been changed to make them easier and faster to use, and they’re better than the clunky menus found on older devices. This is actually way more interesting than you might expect, and you’ll get a lot of use out of it. If you’re interested in a smooth experience, it’s aiming to provide everything you want. There’s also a new split-screen mode that allows you to use multiple apps at the same time. It should be handy on larger phones and tablets, and it’s a function that I’m really excited about. If you want to reply to a text and keep a video running in the top half of the screen, it’s possible. However, it’s unlikely to be without issues at launch, especially considering the problems Marshmallow users faced when the update was first released. There were a number of issues when the previous version launched, and it damaged the reputation of Marshmallow. It’s taken a while to fix these problems, but hopefully, they’ve learned from their past mistakes. Two botched releases in a row is definitely a bad idea, but expectations are still reasonably high at the moment. Aside from the bugs mentioned earlier, the general reception to the beta has been positive so far, so it’s looking good. We’re going to be covering the release of Android N extensively, so check back regularly for more information.


Android N looks to be a step forward for users, but we’re going to have to wait for a while to get the finished product. A major update can change your device completely, so we’ll keep you posted when we learn more. That’s everything we know so far about the new release of Android, but keep checking back regularly for more updates. If we’ve missed a great rumor, or you have questions about what we know so far, let us know in the comments below, or you can contact us via Facebook or Twitter. Featured Image Credit

Android N  Release Date  Expectations and Device List   JoyofAndroid - 58Android N  Release Date  Expectations and Device List   JoyofAndroid - 68Android N  Release Date  Expectations and Device List   JoyofAndroid - 82Android N  Release Date  Expectations and Device List   JoyofAndroid - 68