And now you are here, looking for apps that could help with productivity. That is indeed a smart decision. Productivity is at times the most eluding aspect of students’ life. At the same time, it is necessary too. So if you haven’t been already taking advantage of these cool productivity apps in the market, without further ado, go to the Play store in search of these tools.

Best College Productivity Apps

1. Ike

This to-do list uses the power of President Eisenhower’s priority matrix. Ike helps to organize tasksby urgency and importance, add due dates and location reminders to never miss a task at hand. With playful themes and colors, audio recording and image compatibility for tasks, the app also allows you to keep track of the progress using visual aids.

2. EssayPro

There are times when one needs an additional hand to deal with the college work. Though the app of EssayPro is only in the beta version, it is unavoidable to mention it here, as the website has been immensely helpful for students. EssayPro is handy when you have to order essay to be completed on a tight deadline quickly. With its two decades of service in the educational field, the team of professional writers at EssayPro offers guidance in the area of academics for custom essay writing, dissertation, and research papers. The site also comes with useful tips for writing brilliant essays. When the app is launched, it is going to be the most valuable version a student will need.

3. Toggl

If you think you are not productive, it is crucial to understand why it is happening. Toggl lets users know how much time you are spending on each task by taking screenshots. Users can further use the app to organize, edit and tag entries. With the premium version, students can record time entries, and use it as a very effective project management tool.

4. SimpleMind

Mind mapping is proving to be more and more effective as a learning tool. SimpleMind can be used to organize the thoughts to make mind maps, which could then be uploaded and shared to others using platforms like Google Drive and Dropbox. Students can add extra information like images, voice memos, and videos to enhance their learning experience through different layouts and customizable options.

5. Stay Focused

We all need to reign in the urge to check social media or binge watch on Netflix when we had actually planned to do work. At times it might seem like the only blocking certain apps could do the trick. Available as both a browser extension and android version, Stay Focused allots certain time frames to use each app. Once that allotted time is used up, the apps become inaccessible for the rest of the day. Users can edit the time allocated, assign the timeslots for specific URLs in a single website and determine how the app works for each app.

6. Procastination Timer

Balancing the tendency to procrastinate and using the Pomodoro technique to manage it, Procrastination Timer is just what every student need if you have been excelling at procrastination. It is a simple time management app, but a very efficient one at that. The app will suggest a time frame for working and then for a break, which could be edited according to the preferences.

7. [email protected]

There are those who need some music in the background to boost productivity. Enter [email protected] with scientifically designed music to increase your concentration. The apps claim to alter brain activity to a state that helps to store, and process information better. Before suggesting the type of music, the app requires the users to take a short quiz to see whether you are the creative or logical thinker, assess your priorities and come up with the optimal outcomes for you. The app comes with a two-week free trial, whilst you can check out whether it meets the needs.


Everywhere you look, there is a scope for distraction these days. Amidst the chaos, it indeed requires will power to stay focused. For students, these apps are certainly lifesavers. So stop spending time browsing for tools, and start working right away. featured image

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