Imagine this, lounging on the couch watching a high-definition video on your phone when suddenly this message error pops up. Annoying, right? And worse is, no matter how many times you have refreshed your phone, it just wouldn’t work at all. Many users have experienced this whether they’re watching videos on their Gallery app, YouTube, or other third-party apps. If you are one of them, you have come to the right article! It is time to learn the 5 reliable fixes that have been proven to resolve this issue right away. So, without further ado, let’s begin now!

‘Sorry this video cannot be played Android’ message error –– how to fix?

Some users have experienced videos not playing on their devices. No matter how expensive our devices are, there will really come a time when you will encounter issues. But as much as you can you want to avoid such a problem, the best thing to do is equip yourself with the best solutions. So, if you play a video on your device this message shows up: ‘Sorry this video cannot be played Android’, here are some workarounds that you can try out! Looking for quick navigation? Jump straight to the fixes below:

Gallery AppYouTubeOther third-party apps

If you have encountered the ‘Sorry this video cannot be played Android’ on your Gallery app, then here’s how you can solve it.

There are times when our apps don’t work properly. Before doing anything drastic, start with easy and simple fixes first. If you find yourself in this dilemma, close your Gallery app. This actually refreshes the app and whatever bug that have caused the error. Also, this method proves to be very effective. However, if it isn’t for you, proceed to the next method. Note: Using a Huawei P20

2. Restart device

I also find restarting my Android device very effective in issues like this. When you restart your device, everything that is in your RAM will be cleared out including the fragments of previously running apps. Basically, it is like cleaning your RAM from residues and bugs. It’s like starting from a clean slate. Press and hold the power/lock button until the option below show up. Then, click the ‘Restart’ button.

3. Update to the latest version

One thing that contributes to errors such as the ‘Sorry this video cannot be played Android’ error is when your device is not up-to-date while your apps are. The thing is, your current OS will not be compatible with the other apps and this can cause chaos within the software. The best is to update to the latest version of the device for a smoother experience.

II. Can’t play videos on Youtube?

4. Close the app

The same is true when an app is acting up, close the app so it restarts in order to work properly. When you see the ‘Sorry this video cannot be played Android’ on your YouTube app, immediately do this.

5. Check your internet connection

YouTube is an app that requires the internet for it to work. So, if your video won’t play, try checking your internet connection because, for all you know, you don’t have any, to begin with. First off, check your internet router for some connection. If you don’t have any, call your service provider so they can take care of it.

6. Update YouTube app

Aside from having an up-to-date OS, an up-to-date app is just as important. When these two don’t match, tendency is you will encounter issues. So, update your YouTube app if you are having problems playing videos in the platform. Look for the YouTube app and click the Update button beside it. You will also see other apps that are due for updates. You can also set your Settings for apps to update automatically. Click here to know how!

III. Videos cannot be played on third-party apps

If videos don’t play on your third-party apps, there are a few workarounds that are very effective to this problem. In addition to the methods above, try out the ones below too:

7. Uninstall/install the app

Oftentimes, an app is deep in bugs that updating it doesn’t help. Try deleting and installing the app again. Type the app in the search bar. If this method didn’t work, go back to the basics. Try out the other methods already listed above.

Get these videos playing

Issues like videos not playing on Android is not that very common but it can also happen to a lot of users. Nowadays, it is not about avoiding technical issues but knowing the methods on how to fix it. So, if you have been getting ‘Sorry this video cannot be played Android’ message error, wait no more. The methods above will surely have your videos going in no time! More JOA How-To articles:

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