Their services include mobile, fixed, and broadband networks for TV, VoIP phone providers, and other digital solutions.

General Telefónica Stats and Facts 2023

Telefónica Usage Statistics 2023

Telefónica Employee Statistics 2023

Telefónica Salary Stats 2023

Telefónica Revenue Statistics 2023

Telefónica Stock Statistics 2023

Additional Telefónica Stats and Facts 2023

Is Telefónica profitable?

Telefónica was hurt drastically by the COVID Pandemic. However, currently, their stock prices are steadying out and expect to increase again as the overall market recovers. Should Telefónica continue to spend on network upgrades, it will likely increase its profits. Purchasing Telefónica stock should yield a modest increase.

How many countries is Telefonica in?

Telefonica has a significant presence in roughly 15 countries and operates in about 40 countries in total. Most of these countries are in Latin America, with the rest being in Europe. Telefonica is looking to broaden its services in the future.

What is the average salary of a software engineer at Telefónica?

The average software developer at Telefónica makes $103,373 per year. The range of salaries runs between $85k and $125k annually. A senior software engineer will make closer to $145,720 per year, with $130k being base pay and the remainder coming from bonuses.


Telefónica has been in business for a century. While they have been struggling to keep revenue up over the last decade, they are continuing to expand their market. All companies operating under Telefónica combined make up a large portion of the telecommunications providers available in Europe and Latin America. Sources:

AAII Britannica Glassdoor Macrotrends Payscale Statista Telefonica 1, 2 Yahoo Finance 1, 2 Zippia


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