Have you ever wondered how far a place is from another? I mean, in terms of yards, feet, meters, kilometers, or even miles? Well, I bet you did. Obviously, we can’t take a jog or run to manually measure it via GPS all the time. But thankfully, there are distance measuring apps for android available on the play store.

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Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Are distance measuring apps true and accurate?” The answer is non-other than a big yes! These distance-measuring apps for android could definitely tell you distance; some apps listed here can even tell you the area of a lot! And the best part, of course, is that it can fit in your pockets! Convenient, isn’t it?

5 Most Accurate Distance Measuring Apps for Android

These are our top picks for the top 5 distance measuring apps for android available on the market. Please check them out first hand. So without further ado, let’s look in detail about the best distance measuring apps for android for you!

1. Maps by Google

It’s not a surprise that Google Maps topped our list when it comes to the best distance measuring apps. As we all know, measuring the distance between places is an understatement of what this app could really do. It offers us routes, traffic information, approximate time of arrival based on the traffic situation, how to commute to places, and so much more. But, that’s not all. This app also gives us an actual street view. You might’ve encountered a car that says Google strolling around. Well, that’s how they give us a street view in their app. Cool, right? With all this being said, what I love most about this app is that the distance of places to one another is accurate. It’s safe to say that I really do trust this app in terms of its functionalities and also that it one of the best distance measuring apps for android. JOA Rating: ★★★★★ (5.0 Stars)

2. Maps Distance Calculator

Next on our list is the Maps Distance Calculator. Unlike Google Maps, this app only allows you to measure the distance between two places. However, it doesn’t mean that this app isn’t a good competitor in terms of calculating distances. You might think that Google Maps have it all but wait until you download this app. Maps Distance Calculator allows you to draw the path between the locations. Amazing, right?! For me, it would be so helpful if you know some shortcuts around some areas. For example, if you are to direct a friend to your house, letting them know a shortcut would be greatly appreciated. You can also choose from different units of measurement and save the path and distance which makes the app great! JOA Rating: ★★★★✰ (4.0 Stars)

3. GPS Fields Area Measure

You might think that you have seen it all… But, the GPS Fields Area Measure app has more to offer for you. As its name states, this app could not only measure distance but it could also calculate the area of a lot. How cool is that? Now, this app allows you to measure by either GPS measuring or manual measuring. To explain more about that, manual measuring will let you calculate the distance or area by simply plotting the points on the map. On the other hand, the GPS measuring will calculate the distance or area as you run or walk through a path. JOA Rating: ★★★★✰ (4.0 Stars)

4. Distance & Area Measure

The Distance and Area Measure app is most likely similar to the previous one. It can measure not only the distance of two places but also compute for the area by simply pinning points to the map. I must admit. This app has the best graphics. You can choose between three different map modes namely: satellite, 2D, and 3D. The app is easy to navigate and sleek. You can also easily measure the distance of two countries or continents with this app because of its zoom out feature. Now, you might be thinking about why I put it in 4th place despite its great features. Well, the answer is simple. Aside from not having a search bar to easily locate the places, it also has no GPS measuring features which made it fall short for 3rd place. JOA Rating: ★★★✯✰ (3.5 Stars)

5. Area Calculator & Distance Measurement

The Area Calculator Distance Measurement app might be last in this list but it doesn’t mean that it’s not a good app. Frankly speaking, it’s a lot better than most distance measuring apps available in the Play Store, considering how many distance measuring apps for android are in there. This app is definitely a top-tier. Now, let’s get it straight. This app does a really great job of measuring distance and calculating the area. It basically works for what it claims to do and I pretty much can say that it is accurate. However, the downfall of this app is caused mainly by its UI and graphics. Unlike the previous apps that were all groomed, this app isn’t much like that. You might be wondering why this app made it to the list. Well, surprise, surprise, because this app has a feature that no other app in this list offers. The multiple location distance. Basically, calculating the distance of not only 2 places but more than that! Perfect for stopovers and rests while running. JOA Rating: ★★★✰✰ (3.0 Stars) Suggested Reads: 3 Best Roof Measuring Apps for Android 8 Best Car Locator Apps to Keep a Close Eye on your Vehicle 10 Best Fitness Apps for Android to Increase Your Life Span

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Final Thoughts-Distance Measuring Apps for Android

I think we can all agree when I say that technology is unstoppable. It’s everywhere! These apps that measure distance are reliable and accurate enough. To be sure, I suggest that you download Google Maps on top of another app from this list. At the end of the day, having multiple apps for one purpose wouldn’t hurt. What distance measuring app are you using? Let us know in the comments section below! Featured Image

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