There are numerous possibilities of something unforeseen happening and you being swept up in it. The best apps to have in case of an emergency allow you to not only prepare for upcoming emergencies but also improvise during one. Knowing the right kind of information can be the difference between life and death in certain situations and it is always great to be prepared for any sort of emergency. This is the only app list where I hope that you don’t have to use the apps your whole life but I do recommend that you go through them once so that you may retain some important information. While Android phones are quite sturdy these days, there is no telling what kind of damage to your smartphone an emergency can do. Like I always say, a smart brain is still better than a smartphone. Note: the best apps to have in case of an emergency were tested on a Sony Xperia Z smartphone. The apps worked perfectly fine and provided quality information about emergencies and how to deal with them. A few features do rely on Internet as well as calls but most of the information is available off-line.

1. Medical ID (Free) ICE contacts


These were some of the best apps to have in case of emergency and I hope you will be safe if there is one. I recommend that you go through each of these apps to get familiar with the interface so that it becomes easy to navigate in case of an emergency. Better yet, read the information in the American Red Cross apps to have immediate information even without your smartphone by your side. Medical ID takes it to the next level by displaying an always on notification on your lock screen that can be interacted with, without unlocking your smartphone. You can even have a few contacts listed in there and all the rescuer needs to do is tap and expand the notification. It’s a simple and clean idea that can be the difference between life and death for anyone. I highly recommend that you get this app, or at least use the lock screen text feature to display important info. Free Version

2. First Aid – American Red Cross

One great thing about this app is that all of the content is available off-line; so regardless of your Internet connectivity, the app will provide you full information. The app also comes with interactive quizzes that allow you to learn more about first-aid and even compete with your friends. American users can utilize the fully integrated 911, so you can call EMS right from the app. Even though the name has American Red Cross on it, first-aid usually applies to everyone regardless of their nationality, so don’t be deterred by the name, it is a must have app in case of emergency. Free Version

3. Emergency Medication Reference

It is a very simple app with text based information so that you can administer a medication in case of an emergency. However, I highly recommend that you go on the Internet and check up-to-date information to double check the correct dosage. Better yet, call an actual professional if you have the luxury. Understand that in case of emergency you need to act fast and this is an app that allows you to do just that. I highly advise you not to self-medicate because this can result in severe consequences later on. Free Version

4. eQuake – Earthquake Alerts

I’m a little bit skeptical about how this actually works in real world scenarios and haven’t been able to test the app yet. But I have it installed on my smartphone and will update the article once there is an actual earthquake where I live. Overall I think the app provides a good service and most of the users are quite satisfied with the app. As they say, it’s always good to be prepared, so I recommend that you install this small app on your smartphone just in case. Free Version Have you found another app that deserves to be on this list? Do tell us about it so that we can test and share it with others. Feature Image Credits

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