I’m sure that more developers will make the jump to Google Home once it is more mainstream but for now, not many apps are available that are compatible with this new smart speaker. I’m deliberately leaving off Google apps from the list because these are quite obvious ones. From YouTube to Google Keep and from Google Play Music to Google Photos everything is compatible with your Google Home. So rest easy, all your Google apps are fully compatible with their smart speaker. This is a list about other third-party apps that work really well with Google Home. Note: for the first time I haven’t tested these apps out myself because I couldn’t find a single Google Home to test these apps out. However, I’ve asked a good colleague of mine who resides in Germany to check if these apps work on his Google Home or not and he delivered the test results. Thankfully, all of these apps worked with almost full functionality, of course there are some cutbacks moving to a fully audio interface but they are not that drastic.

1. Netflix


These are 5 apps that work with Google Home without any complications or problems. I’ll be revisiting this list every a few months down the road and add to it because I know this is going to be a big list. As of right now, these are the apps that truly integrate well with the Google Home concept. So it makes complete sense that Google would want the service to work perfectly with their Google Home real life AI assistant. This app works great with Google home as well as a paired TV. Obviously you’ll need a TV to watch the content but you can switch to other TV shows or even search by simply speaking to Google Home. My friend was able to search for “Daredevil season 2” and play it in mare seconds after saying it. Free Version


I personally used this app to automate my messages, especially those that are sent to close family when I’m traveling. This app also works well with Google Home, however, I was not able to test out the full functionality of it myself. Maybe one day I’ll get a personal Google Home and see if it is able to play music when I enter the room. Judging by the research done by my buddy, this is possible right now and it is incredible. Combine this app with Google Home and a smart lighting system and you’ll have an incredible experience. Free Version

3. Todoist: To-Do List

Thankfully now your significant other can make to do lists for you simply by talking to Google Home instead of talking to you which never seems to work. Even though the interface can be a bit improved, I think with future updates this is going to be one of the best to-do list apps available for Google Home. Free Version

4. TuneIn Radio

The relation between this radio app for Android and Google Home is quite simple, you tell the sentient speaker to play some tunes and it will do just that. You can search for a particular channel if your accent is not Asian with ease, for those with a heavy accent, it is going to be a bit of a problem to make accurate searches. Free Version

5. Uber

And now, you can easily call an Uber cab while making dinner. All you need to do is simply shattered the voice commands and the rest will be taken care of by Google Home. Want to call the driver via the speaker? That can be arranged as well. Free Version

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