It was the first of its kind and they called it the Sword of Damocles. From then to now, AR has had quite a journey. Augmented reality (AR) has become a part of our daily lives, so much so that it might not be long before the line between physical and digital reality becomes hard to distinguish. If you’d like to know more about augmented reality, check out the following ar stats, facts, and trends.

General AR Stats and Facts 2023

AR in Work and Education Stats 2023

Digital Marketing & AR Stats 2023

AR Consumer Behavior Stats 2023

AR and Technology Stats

How many augmented reality users are there?

Recent data indicates that the number of mobile augmented reality users worldwide will be around 1.7 billion. The figures for 2022 estimate there will be 1.1 billion users.

How many augmented reality apps are there?

AR software has been enabled on more than 500 million mobile devices. The iOS app store has the largest selection of AR apps, at over 2,000. While Google Play only has around 200 Google AR apps available.

How fast is augmented reality growing?

Between 2020 and 2025, the market size of AR and VR is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 46%.

How many people use AR for shopping?

An estimate by Gartner puts the number of people who use augmented reality for shopping at more than 100 million.

How big is the augmented reality market?

In 207, the value of the AR market was around $3.5 billion. By 2025, it is predicted to reach a massive $198 billion.


The AR statistics we’ve included in this post emphasize that augmented reality might be the future, but you’re able to experience it today. It’s commonly used in games to make them more fun to play. However, it also has applications in education, the workplace, shopping, marketing, healthcare, and countless industries around the world. We used the following resources to compile the AR stats above:

Techjury Threekit CitrusBits FinancesOnline KommandoTech Statista XRToday


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