The following data privacy stats explain how big of a security issue this is around the world.

General Data Privacy Stats 2023

Data Privacy Law Stats 2023

Scary Data Privacy Stats 2023

Data Breaches Stats 2023

Data Security Stats 2023

What is the percentage of consumers who care about data privacy?

Data privacy is a growing issue, with over 86% of people admitting they feel concerned about what happens to their personal information. 40% of people don’t trust companies to securely use their information (47% are worried about being hacked, while 51% are worried about it being sold).

How many people were affected during the largest privacy and data breach?

In 2016, it was discovered that over 500 million Yahoo! user accounts were hacked sometime in 2014. A few months later, Yahoo! discovered another breach from 2013, where an additional 1 billion users were hacked. However, it was later revealed that all of Yahoo!’s 3 billion accounts were hacked, making it the largest data breach in history.

How many people know about data privacy?

Although 86% of people are concerned about their data privacy, only very few of them actually understand the rules and regulations. 67% of users in the US are unaware of the government’s data privacy rules. Only 7% of respondents said they know about the current privacy laws.


Hackers and identity thefts are here to stay, although taking certain measures can protect your personal information. The more you know about data privacy, the more you can defend yourself against potential threats online. Sources:

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