Luckily there are some amazing blogs out there to inspire us and give us some great tips and ideas to keep our healthy living and exercise regime fresh and interesting. Read on to discover some of the best fitness lifestyle blogs out there… And who knows… maybe, this list will inspire you to start your own blog in 2023 and make passive money from it…

Best Health and Fitness Blogs and Websites 2023

1. ACE – Best Health Science Blog

     ACE is the official blog of the American Council on Exercise. A nonprofit organization focused on bringing a healthier lifestyle to everyone. It has a simple yet effective mission, to get people moving, and to reduce the impact of inactivity-related diseases by encouraging a healthier lifestyle.

The blog offers a wide range of advice that is of benefit to all. From inspirational interviews with top athletes to breathing exercises and nutrition tips. ACE also offers a range of courses to gain certification in a selection of health and fitness-related skills such as becoming a certified personal trainer or a group fitness instructor. Additionally, you’ll find some useful tools for calculating body fat, your daily calorie requirements, assessing your risk of suffering from a heart attack, and more. This is definitely one of the best health and fitness blogs in America, with plenty of healthy living content relevant to readers worldwide, from those working in the fitness industry to people looking for fitness tips.

2. Jessi Kneeland – Best Blog for Mental Health

     Jessi Kneeland’s blog brings quite a different perspective to the world of health and fitness blogs, focussing more on wellness than fitness with an emphasis on body positivity.

While of course, a healthy lifestyle is important for our well-being, Jessi Kneeland encourages women to let go of negative feelings regarding their bodies and accept themselves for the beautiful beings they are. The site offers tips to develop zen habits and disperse those thoughts, often reflecting our own insecurities and fueled by popular media. Our flaws make us individual and unique and it is this sense of uniqueness that we should embrace, rather than aspire to look a particular way because the magazines and Instagram influencers tell us we should. It’s a fascinating blog, with many influential articles regarding mental health and some great tips for the diet-obsessed to reduce the stress of constant yoyo dieting and instead create maintainable healthy habits. Living a healthy life is about so much more than weight loss, so dieting should never be the sole focus of a woman’s life.

3. Blogilates – Best Motivational Fitness Blog

     Run by blogger Cassey Ho, her mission is to spread the joy of fitness through her eclectic mix of fun and interesting fitness blog posts. Cassey teaches her own special version of pilates called POP Pilates and you can join in her classes online.

Unsurprisingly, you’ll find plenty of pilates-related posts on Blogilates, but there’s plenty more besides. Cassey brings you some delicious healthy recipes to try out that don’t even look like they’re healthy but they are! How about making a healthy pumpkin spiced latte, or a batch of super easy flourless blender muffins? The perfect treats without the guilt. Being a famous blogger and fitness instructor, Cassey receives many questions from her readers and these she answers on her blog so everyone can benefit from her advice and insight. Linked from her blog is the POP Flex shop, Cassey Ho’s online shop selling her own range of clothing for exercise alongside related accessories such as yoga mats and stylish water bottles.

4. Bad Yogi – Best Yoga Blog for Beginners

     Bad Yogi is a great place to start if you’d like to get into yoga but are nervous about going to a class. Bad Yogi is specifically aimed at ordinary people, those of us who can’t tie our legs in knots, who end up in giggles when we fall over attempting to balance.

Bad Yogi brings the ethos that you can add yoga into your life, whatever your lifestyle. To practice yoga, you don’t need to have a 100% healthy life. The benefits of yoga for both mind and body are huge, regardless of whether or not you have a passion for pizza or enjoy the odd gin and tonic on a Friday night. Most people are a blend of many things, and in moderation, we can all enjoy our unhealthy treats, and that doesn’t mean we can’t also enjoy those things that are good for us, such as yoga. You can get involved straight away with hundreds of free online yoga classes ranging from beginner to advanced. The classes are presented in an accessible style that aims at being fun rather than intimidating. If you’ve never tried yoga, then you’ll find these classes so accessible.

5. Love, Sweat, and Fitness – Best Home Health and Fitness Blog

     The strapline of Love, Sweat, and Fitness is ‘no gym required’ as this blog focuses on getting fit and healthy at home.

With gyms being closed over the pandemic, discovering ways of exercising at home, without necessarily having to invest in expensive and bulky equipment is highly beneficial, and a workout routine can be very good for your health and your mental well-being. While working out at home can be rather isolating, without that camaraderie you might find at the gym or a fitness class, this blog has found a unique fitness niche as it not only brings you healthy recipes and fitness routines. It’s also about building friendships with others, in order to gain support on your fitness journey, and encourage you to achieve your fitness goal. With a great blend of nutrition information, workouts, and motivational posts, you’ll find Love, Sweat, and Fitness and fascinating and inspirational read. And if you want to open a gym with a catchy name, this blog will serve as a great inspiration to you.

6. Fitness In The City – Best Natural Health Blog

     Based in Australia, Fitness in the City is the work of Editor Lee Sutherland, a fitness expert, and personal trainer. The site features her own articles alongside contributed articles from health and fitness experts and other guest posts.

The site was born out of Lee’s frustration at not finding the motivational and supportive fitness and health options she was looking for. She knew this extra level of support was what she had been looking for, so she decided to offer these services to others herself. Her blog features posts about clean eating, holistic well-being, and an eclectic mixture of other topics such as sustainable beauty and fashion alongside lots of recipes and reviews. If you’re keen on leading a healthy life in the most eco-friendly and sustainable way possible, then you’ll pick up lots of tips on Fitness In The City.

7. Runtastic – Best Sports Brand Health Blog

     Runtastic is the blog of the global sportswear brand Adidas. While one might bypass this blog presuming it would simply be an advertising platform for Adidas products, it is actually a very interesting blog, packed with informative articles on a wide range of topics.

From tips for beginner trail runners, to how to set your fitness goals, you’ll find regular, useful content on Runtastic. Despite the name, while there are many posts related to running, all aspects of physical activity and nutrition are covered. You’ll find posts targeted at both women’s and men’s health, fitness tips from fitness experts, and some great success stories from those who have achieved their fitness goals, raising money for charity along the way, overcoming disabilities, or losing excess weight. It’s a great site for those looking for encouragement and motivation.

8. MindSpa – Best Holistic Health Blog

     MindSpa is a wellness blog linked to the MindSpa app, a mobile app that provides constant support when life brings its daily challenges. The blog features articles written by MindSpa’s own psychologists.

It’s a great blog for anyone looking for a little insight into their own motivations for the choices they make, or for seeking information regarding a wide range of wellness and health issues, whether for themselves or their loved ones. Also available to visitors to the blog are therapeutic programs covering real-life situations, more than 150 simple-to-use coping exercises for when you feel overwhelmed and are failing to cope with your emotions or a difficult situation, and a self-care journal to help you record and make sense of your own wellness journey. The advice given is grounded in science and involves reputable therapeutic techniques such as CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and Gestalt therapy.

9. Eating Bird Food – Best Fitness and Nutrition Blog

     Created by Brittany, a holistic nutritionist, if you’re looking for healthy recipes to improve your eating habits, without having to go to a registered dietician, then Eating Bird Food is definitely a blog worth spending time on, although it will most definitely make you feel hungry!

Packed full of healthy food recipes, it’s a great source of inspiration for healthy eating options that are anything other than boring. You can easily locate recipes with the handy blog sections for different meal types such as salads, snacks, dinners, breakfasts, and desserts. There are also recipes aimed specifically at particular dietary requirements such as vegetarian and vegan recipes. Each recipe is clearly labeled with a color-coded system for dietary preferences and food intolerances such as dairy-free, gluten-free, low-carb, paleo, etc. There’s even a section for baby food recipes, so you really can create healthy meals for your whole family by reading Eating Bird Food.

10. Tony Gentilcore – Best Diet and Fitness Blog

     Fitness guru Tony Gentilcore is a co-founder of Cressil Sports Performance. He’s a fitness instructor and shares his wealth of knowledge gained in the fitness industry on his blog.

This is one of the best health and fitness blogs and has been featured across an impressive list of publications such as Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Muscle and Fitness, and many more. Tony’s posts cover a range of topics. Even fitness instructors and personal trainers can find articles aimed at them, alongside more general health and workout posts for anyone on a fitness journey. His down-to-earth style is approachable yet knowledgeable, and the advice given covers psychological topics as well as healthy lifestyle advice, physical fitness tips, and workout routines. You can also drop in your email address to get fresh fitness content delivered to your inbox on a weekly basis.

11. Dr. John Rusin – Best B2B Health and Fitness Blog

     Dr. John Rusin is well known within the fitness industry for his work with elite athletes, particularly barbell sports competitors on the subject of injury prevention.

His pain-free performance programs have attracted more than 50,000 clients and his Pain-Free Performance Specialist Certification has been achieved by more than 6200 personal trainers and strength training coaches. The advice shared on this blog is indicative of John’s holistic approach, covering topics such as fitness training, lifestyle, and nutrition. The posts on this blog are written both by Rusin himself, and several guest posters, including many professionals in the fitness industry. If you’re interested in pushing yourself to your fitness limits while minimizing pain and the risk of injury, this is one fitness blogger you really need to follow.

12. Get Healthy U – Best Fitness Blog for Moms

     Get Healthy U is the brainchild of Chris Freytag, a certified personal trainer, yoga instructor, and health coach.

As a workout mommy herself, Chris understands the time constraints and limitations of parents, while pursuing their fitness goals and so this is a great fitness blogger to follow if you’re looking for the best health and fitness blogs aimed at parents. Chris takes a realistic approach that’s highly accessible and brings lots of insightful articles that are fun to read while inspiring a healthy lifestyle. Posts cover a range of fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle topics, so you’ll find workouts to target specific problem areas such as muffin tops or a sagging behind, lots of healthy recipes, and some health hints and tips for life improvement such as choosing the right shoes for plantar fasciitis and how to loosen tight muscles. There’s such a varied mix of posts, there really is something for everyone on this health and fitness blog.

13. Reebok Fitness Blog – Best Fitness Lifestyle Blog

     A fitness blog from a big-name company, Reebok Fitness Blog is the sister blog of the Adidas health and fitness blog and offers similar content across a wide range of disciplines. Reebok has sought out posts from fitness experts, who impart their knowledge to blog readers.

From sports fashion trends to overcoming anxiety at heading back to the gym, and fun yoga workouts, this is a blog to browse and pick out articles that interest you. There’s fresh, updated content posted regularly, so it’s a great blog to bookmark and keeps coming back to, to see what’s new. You will find posts marketing Reebok’s latest products, but these don’t overwhelm, and only make up a small proportion of the blog posts, sitting neatly beside posts by fitness gurus more tightly associated with the fitness niche.

14. WebMD – Best Scientific Fitness Blog

     An American-based website, WebMD is a trusted source for up-to-date news and information regarding health, medical treatment, and well-being. There is absolutely loads of content, and it’s a great blog to visit to keep up with the latest news and developments.

You can learn about the latest research with regards to Covid-19, and read fascinating stories of the medical world such as the post about a man who was found to have cement in his heart after spinal surgery, and current research such as how artificial sweeteners may make you hungrier. It’s a treasure trove of interesting reading, and there is a great deal of video content available too. Alongside the informative blog posts, there’s also a huge database of information covering a massive list of medical conditions available for your research. You can also input the name of any medication you take to read reviews and comments and find out more about potential side effects and efficacy. In addition, there’s a symptom checker, a special section on healthy living, and an area dedicated to family and pregnancy.

15. Ahealthblog – Best Workout Blog

     Covering topics such as weight loss, fitness, wellness, nutrition, and exercise, Ahealthblog brings together a selection of easy-to-read posts. The exercise and workout routine posts are handily accompanied by illustrations and photographs to ensure you understand how to perform each exercise correctly.

Also on Ahealthblog, you’ll find several useful calculators that can help you to work out how many calories you’re burning during particular activities, such as running or swimming. Each post has clear options for sharing, so you can easily post the information on your social media, or email it to a friend if you think it would be useful to others.

16. Food Politics – Best Health Policy Blog

     Food Politics is the blog of Marion Nestle. With a Ph.D. in molecular biology, an M.P.H in public health nutrition, and a long career as a professor of nutrition, food studies, and public health at New York University, this is certainly a great blog for those pursuing a healthier life through healthy eating and nutrition.

She’s also a published author, with her books on political food topics a must-read for anyone looking for healthier habits with regard to what they eat from both a political and nutritional angle. Marion posts on an almost daily basis, so by reading this blog you can keep up to date with the latest news when it comes to information regarding the food chain, new discoveries, food-based diseases and recalls, etc. Current topics include a detailed analysis of concerns regarding toxic metals in baby foods, information regarding African swine flu, and an interesting look at water usage within the US food system. If you’re keen to know exactly where your food comes from, and what’s in it, this is the blog you need to keep an eye on.

17. Nutrition Facts – Best Natural Health Blog

     When you’re trying to follow a healthy lifestyle and bring healthy eating into your family life, getting the right information to make informed dietary choices is so important. It’s hard to make the right decisions without the knowledge of what healthy eating truly entails.

This is where Nutrition Facts steps in, as one of the most informative blogs for health and nutrition topics, a non-profit science-based organization founded by Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM. The site is a labor of love for Michael, as he set it up as a tribute to his grandmother whose life was saved by changing to a healthier diet. On the website, you’ll find more than 2000 bite-sized videos with captions in several languages and a multitude of articles and infographics on all aspects of food and nutrition and healthy eating, including news on the latest scientific research. There’s new content added every single day, so this is definitely a great blog to visit regularly so you don’t miss anything important. The site is free to use, and unusually, there are no adverts.

18. Beverly Simpson Fitness – Best Health Coaching Blog

     Aimed at those in the fitness industry such as personal trainers and fitness instructors, Beverly Simpson Fitness is a source of information for fitness professionals looking to boost their business and make the most of digital channels such as social media.

Beverly has helped more than a hundred personal trainers become six-figure earners both in-person and online with her coaching program. Whether or not you’re interested in her program, her blog offers content that may well be of interest to those in the fitness industry. You can find tips for taking your fitness business online, and how to make your business more profitable. There’s lots of marketing advice, as well as some health and fitness tips from other fitness and nutrition professionals.

19. Father Fitness – Best Personal Fitness and Health Blog

     With an emphasis on men’s health, Father Fitness is the personal blog of the father of two Paul, and follows his own journey to regaining his fitness after letting his health and fitness regime slide in his 20s.

In addition to his own inspirational story, Paul also shares a wealth of information that can benefit anyone looking to give their health a boost and get fitter. While the posts cover a wide range of topics, from holiday ideas to weight loss tips, the articles are neatly divided into sections so you can target the posts you’re really interested in if you’re in a hurry and simply want to quickly access particular posts such as those on muscle building or nutrition. The blog has been featured in the top ten health and fitness blogs in the annual Vuelio blog awards for several years and was voted the best men’s fitness blog by The Good Web Guide.

20. Fit Men Cook – Best Men’s Healthy Eating Blog

     A site maintained by the creator of the top food app of the same name, the aptly named Kevin Curry shares more than 100 recipes for meals that are easy to make, low cost, and with short preparation times yet all the recipes are healthy and nutritious.

In addition to all the delicious recipes, you’ll also find posts on other topics such as how to beat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and how to stay strong and maintain a healthy diet when you’re feeling down and depressed. So there’s a lot of content there alongside the tasty meal ideas. Kevin also encourages contributors, so if you have any recipes or training, or nutrition tips you’d like to share, you can send them in and he may feature them on his site. There are literally hundreds of posts to look through, so set aside plenty of time and be inspired by some fantastic new healthy eating recipes that your whole family is sure to enjoy.

21. Keep it SimpELLE – Best Female Health and Fitness Blog

     Elle Linton is a fitness instructor from the UK. Her site focuses on fitness and wellness to improve health, and judge results by how we feel, and not how we look.

Her site is accessible and open to all, from those just starting out on their fitness journey to fitness professionals looking for advice on how to grow their businesses. Keep it SimpELLE aims to bring like-minded people together, and so the community is a big aspect of this website. Her blog is a great source of advice and inspiration and covers a variety of interesting topics, everything from the best webcams for online fitness classes, to reviews of supplements and how to avoid running injuries. In addition to the blog posts, you can access a range of online resources, sign up for fortnightly emails, download podcasts, and sign up for Elle’s online classes. There’s a huge selection of content, with an emphasis on having fun with fitness.

22. Bony to Bombshell – Best Blog for Muscle Gain

     The Bony to Bombshell program brings you advice and tips on how to train for muscle growth, the right foods to eat and how and when to eat them for the best lean weight gain, how to overcome being genetically skinny and bulk up correctly, and how to simply gain strength, become healthier and look great.

Reading the content on this site, and signing up for the 8-part program and newsletters, will help you boost your physical fitness with an emphasis on building muscle mass and increasing strength. Aimed at those who struggle with being skinny, the articles will be of interest with topics such as the best equipment for muscle building, and the pros and cons of taking weight gain supplements.

23. Keto Connect – Best Low Carb Blog

Created by Matt and Megha, Keto Connect is a collection of original recipes and advice for people on the ketogenic diet. The blog was started in 2016 after the couple had success living the keto lifestyle and wanted to share their results. Neither Matt nor Megha are professional cooks, but they both get involved with creating and presenting the recipes. The blog features keto breakfast, lunch, and dinner ideas that anyone can recreate. Since some people find it hard to follow the diet at times, Keto Connect often posts keto-friendly versions of much-loved foods that are traditionally carb-heavy, such as bread and cheesecake. They also review keto-friendly options in major cities and restaurant chains so that readers can enjoy a meal outside the home. This is a great blog for anyone interested in following the keto diet, or if you simply want a low-carb meal.

24. Climbing House — Your Hangout for Climbing Inspiration

Climbing House is the ultimate online destination for the modern climber. Our mission is to make rock climbing and bouldering accessible to everyone – no matter your experience level or budget. We provide comprehensive reviews of select gear and apparel for indoor and outdoor climbing, along with expert advice, reviews, and stories from passionate climbers worldwide. Our carefully curated selection of climbing products includes top-of-the-line climbing shoes, harnesses, chalk bags, crash pads, ropes, and more. We also carry apparel from leading brands in the industry, such as Evolv, Belay, and La Sportiva. From beginners to advanced climbers, we have something for everyone. We are passionate about helping our readers access the best climbing gear and apparel available at Climbing House partners. We also provide helpful advice and resources and guides to help you make the most of your climbing experience. Climb with confidence with Climbing House. Check out our selection of indoor and outdoor climbing gear and apparel today and be part of the global climbing community.

Who is the best health blogger?

There are many very good health bloggers out there, and which is the best for you, is a matter of what your fitness goals are. You’ll find great bloggers offering up healthy recipes, and others with suggestions for exercise routines.

What are some of the most reliable and authentic blogs on general health, fitness, and well-being?

Those blogs with the best reviews, that feature highly when you’re searching online, and that are recommended by others are going to be the blogs that you’ll find more reliable when it comes to authenticity.

Who is the most read health and fitness blogger?

The most read health and fitness blogs tend to be those created by official sources as readers know the information provided is from a reputable source. So blogs such as ACE Insights Blog, created by the American Council on Exercise get a lot of traffic every day.


As you can see, there’s a wealth of great information out there if you’re looking to improve your health. Following a diet and exercise regime can seem rather lonely at times, but don’t give up, become part of the health blog community, and be inspired by fitness tips to become a whole new you! About

20  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 6120  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 6920  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 4220  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 4820  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 5820  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 9420  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 1520  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 2920  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 220  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 7820  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 1720  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 7120  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 1020  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 6820  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 5520  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 1920  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 9520  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 7120  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 2320  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 7120  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 8120  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 9220  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 5420  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 9720  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 3320  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 6520  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 5820  Best Health and Fitness Blogs  and Websites  2023 - 80